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March 3, 2017


February 1, 2017

Laura Brown, Policy Liaison 405-521-4396

Dena Thayer, Programs Administrator 405-521-4326


APA WFs 16-05 and 17-09

It is very important that you provide your comments regarding the DRAFT COPY of policy by the comment due date. Comments are directed to *

The proposed policy is  Permanent .  This proposal is subject to Administrative Procedures Act

It is important that you provide your comments regarding the draft copy of policy by the comment due date.Comments are directed to proposed policy is permanent.


Subchapter 3. Eligibility for Benefits

340:65-3-2.1 [AMENDED]

340:65-3-5 through 340:65-3-6 [AMENDED]

340:65-3-7 and 340:65-3-8 [AMENDED]

(Reference WFs 16-05 and 17-09)

SUMMARY:The proposed revisions to Chapter 65, Subchapter 3 amend the rules to:(1) update and clarify information regarding the type of assistance the worker provides when requested and interview information; (2) increase timely application processing time to 60-calendar days for Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) winter heating and summer cooling to match LIHEAP rule changes; (3) add processing time limits for State Supplemental Payment; (4) update and clarify information regarding Temporary Assistance for Needy Families cash assistance certifications for additional persons and proration of benefits; (5) update and clarify debit card and direct deposit procedures and remove outdated secondary cardholder information; (6) remove notice requirement for a denial when an applicant dies; (7) change the Child Care Subsidy renewal time frame from six to 12 months and remove the interview requirement for renewals based on a protective or preventive need factor to match Child Care Subsidy emergency rules; (8) update benefit renewal notification information and policy citations; and (9) simplify language and update terminology.

PERMANENT APPROVAL:Permanent rulemaking is requested.

LEGAL AUTHORITY:Director of Human Services; and Sections 162, 167, and 241.1 of Title 56 of the Oklahoma Statutes (56 O.S. §§ 162, 167, and 241.1); Sections 8621 through 8624 of Title 42 of the United States Code, and Section 5N of Public Law 113-186, the Child Care Development Block Grant Act of 2014.

Rule Impact Statement

To:Programs administrator

Legal Services - Policy

From:Jim Struby,Director

Adult and Family Services

Date:January 3, 2017


Subchapter 3. Eligibility for Benefits

OAC 340:65-3-8 [AMENDED]

(Reference WF 16-05)

Contact:Laura Brown 405-521-4396

A.Brief description of the purpose of the proposed rule:

Purpose:The proposed revisions to Chapter 65, Subchapter 3 amend the rules to:(1) change the Child Care Subsidy renewal time frame from six to 12 months and remove the interview requirement for renewals based on a protective or preventive need factor to match Child Care Subsidy emergency rules; (2) update benefit renewal notification information and policy citations; and (3) simplify language.

Strategic Plan Impact.

The proposed rules achieve the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS)goal of complying with the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act (CCDBG) of 2014 [Public Law (P.L.) 113-186] and continuously improving systems, processes, and communication with DHS clients and staff.

Substantive changes.

Subchapter 3. Eligibility for Benefits

OAC 340:65-3-8 is amended to:(1) change the Child Care Subsidy renewal time frame from six to 12 months and remove the interview requirement for renewals based on a protective or preventive need factor to match Child Care Subsidy emergency rules; (2) update benefit renewal notification information and policy citations; and (3) simplify language.


The proposed amendment to increase the Child Care Subsidy renewal time frame to 12 months is made to align with Chapter 40 Child Care Subsidy proposed emergency rules that are due to passage of P.L. 113-186, CCDBG Act of 2014 that mandates 12-month renewal periods.

Other proposed changes are made to provide clients and staff with clear, concise, and updated rules reflecting current processes to facilitate the accurate delivery of benefits and services to persons in need.


If the proposed amendment to increase the Child Care Subsidy renewal time frame to 12 months is not implemented, DHS will not meet the CCDBG Act of 2014 federal deadline of September 30, 2016 that may result in financial penalties.

Legal authority.

Director of Human Services; Sections 162 of Title 56 of the Oklahoma Statutes and Section 5N of P.L. 113-186, CCDBG Act of 2014.

Permanent rulemaking approval is requested.The Governor approved as an emergency rule on September 29, 2016 to meet the federal deadline for implementation of P.L. 113-186.

B.A description of the classes of persons who most likely will be affected by the proposed rule, including classes that will bear the costs of the proposed rule, and any information on cost impacts received by the Agency from any private or public entities:The classes of persons most likely to be affected by the proposed rule are clients applying for or receiving benefits administered by AFS.The affected classes of persons will bear no costs associated with implementation of the rules.

C.A description of the classes of persons who will benefit from the proposed rule:The classes of persons who will benefit are clients applying for or receiving benefits administered by AFS.

D.A description of the probable economic impact of the proposed rule upon the affected classes of persons or political subdivisions, including a listing of all fee changes and, whenever possible, a separate justification for each fee change:The proposed rule does not have an economic impact on the affected entities.There are no fee changes associated with the revised rules.

E.The probable costs and benefits to the Agency and to any other agency of the implementation and enforcement of the proposed rule, the source of revenue to be used for implementation and enforcement of the proposed rule and any anticipated effect on state revenues, including a projected net loss or gain in such revenues if it can be projected by the Agency:The estimated cost for implementation of the proposed Chapter 40 Child Care Subsidy emergency rules is $2,750,000, which will be covered by federal funds.The probable cost to DHS for implementing the proposed Chapter 65 revisions includes the cost of printing and distributing the rules estimated to be less than $20.The revised rules will result in enhanced delivery of services for clients.

F.A determination whether implementation of the proposed rule will have an impact on any political subdivisions or require their cooperation in implementing or enforcing the rule:The proposed rules do not have an economic impact on any political subdivision, nor will the cooperation of any political subdivisions be required in implementation or enforcement of the rules.

G.A determination whether implementation of the proposed rule will have an adverse economic effect on small business as provided by the Oklahoma Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Act:There are no anticipated adverse effects on small business as provided by the Oklahoma Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Act.

H.An explanation of the measures the Agency has taken to minimize compliance costs and a determination whether there are less costly or nonregulatory methods or less intrusive methods for achieving the purpose of the proposed rule:There are no less costly or non-regulatory methods or less intrusive methods.

I.A determination of the effect of the proposed rule on the public health, safety, and environment and, if the proposed rule is designed to reduce significant risks to the public health, safety, and environment, an explanation of the nature of the risk and to what extent the proposed rule will reduce the risk:

The proposed rule to increase the Child Care Subsidy renewal time frame to 12 months protects the health and safety of children by allowing children to remain eligible for subsidized child care longer.

J.A determination of any detrimental effect on the public health, safety, and environment if the proposed rule is not implemented:If the proposed rule to increase the Child Care Subsidy renewal time frame to 12 months is not implemented DHS will be out-of-compliance with federal requirements that may result in penalties further exacerbating limited child care funding and will not decrease safety risks to children who lose stable and licensed child care.

K.The date the rule impact statement was prepared and, if modified, the date modified:Prepared June 6, 2016; modified July 25, 2016; modified September 1, 2016; modified January 3, 2017.

Rule Impact Statement

To:Programs administrator

Legal Services - Policy

From:Jim Struby,Director

Adult and Family Services

Date:January 3, 2017


Subchapter 3. Eligibility for Benefits

OAC 340:65-3-2.1 [AMENDED]

OAC 340:65-3-5 through 340:65-3-6 [AMENDED]

OAC 340:65-3-7 [AMENDED]

(Reference WF 17-09)

Contact:Laura Brown 405-521-4396

A.Brief description of the purpose of the proposed rule:

Purpose:The proposed revisions to Chapter 65, Subchapter 3 amend the rules to:(1) update and clarify information regarding the type of assistance the worker provides when requested and interview information; (2) increase timely application processing time to 60-calendar days for Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) winter heating and summer cooling to match LIHEAP rule changes; (3) add processing time limits for SSP; (4) update and clarify information regarding Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cash assistance certifications for additional persons and proration of benefits; (5) update and clarify debit card and direct deposit procedures and remove outdated secondary cardholder information; (6) remove notice requirement for a denial when an applicant dies; and (7) simplify language and update terminology.

Strategic Plan Impact.

The proposed amendments achieve Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS)goals by continuously improving systems and processes and improving communication with DHS clients and staff.

Substantive changes.

Subchapter 3. Eligibility for Benefits

Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 340:65-3-2.1 is amended to:(1) update and clarify information regarding the type of assistance the worker provides when requested and interview information; and (2) simplify language.

OAC 340:65-3-5 is amended to:(1) increase timely application processing time to 60-calendar days for LIHEAP winter heating and summer cooling to match LIHEAP rule changes; (2) add processing time limits for SSP; (3) update and clarify information regarding TANF cash assistance certifications for additional persons and proration of benefits; and (4) simplify language and update terminology.

OAC 340:65-3-6 is amended to:(1) change the section name to encompass any cash assistance benefit; (2) update and clarify debit card procedures; (3) remove outdated secondary cardholder information; and (4) simplify language.

OAC 340:65-3-7 is amended to:(1) update and clarify information regarding the type of assistance the worker provides when requested; (2) remove notice requirement for a denial when an applicant dies; and (3) simplify language.


The proposed amendments provide clients and staff with clear, concise, and updated rules reflecting current processes to facilitate the accurate delivery of benefits and services to persons who are in need.

The proposed amendment to increase timely LIHEAP application processing time is made to align with Chapter 20 LIHEAP proposed permament rules.The proposed LIHEAP amendment is made because of the significant reduction in Adult and Family Services (AFS) staff due to budget reductions.LIHEAP applications and LIHEAP application processing is being centralized and completed by fewer.Centralization will promote improved eligibility determination and documentation in response to several years of deficient audits.Emergency situations identified by State Office LIHEAP program management will receive priority processing so payment will be delivered to the appropriate provider as soon as possible.

The proposed amendment to update debit card and direct deposit procedures is made to encompass any cash assistance benefit and because DHS changed the type of debit card used to issue cash assistance benefits to one that restricts access at prohibited locations, such as liquor stores and casinos .

The proposed amendment to remove the notice requirement for a denial when an applicant dies is made because it is error prone.In most cases, the case record does not include the name and address of someone to notify when an applicant dies.


The proposed amendments provide clients and staff with clear, concise, and updated rules reflecting current processes to facilitate the accurate delivery of benefits and services to persons who are in need.If the proposed amendments are not implemented, rules will not be updated to reflect current processes and may affect service delivery.

If the proposed amendment to increase timely processing time is not implemented, AFS will be out-of-compliance with timely processing rules as well as at risk for inaccurate eligibility determination and/or insufficient documentation.

Legal authority.

Director of Human Services; and Sections 162, 167, and 241.1of Title 56 of the Oklahoma Statutes; and Sections 8621 through 8624 of Title 42 of the United States Code.

Permanent rulemaking approval is requested.

B.A description of the classes of persons who most likely will be affected by the proposed rule, including classes that will bear the costs of the proposed rule, and any information on cost impacts received by the Agency from any private or public entities:The classes of persons most likely to be affected by the proposed amendments are applying for or receiving benefits administered.The affected classes of persons will bear no costs associated with implementation of the rules.

C.A description of the classes of persons who will benefit from the proposed rule:The classes of persons who will benefit are clients applying for or receiving benefits administered by AFS.

D.A description of the probable economic impact of the proposed rule upon the affected classes of persons or political subdivisions, including a listing of all fee changes and, whenever possible, a separate justification for each fee change:The revised amendments do not have an economic impact on the affected entities.There are no fee changes associated with the revised rules.

E.The probable costs and benefits to the Agency and to any other agency of the implementation and enforcement of the proposed rule, the source of revenue to be used for implementation and enforcement of the proposed rule and any anticipated effect on state revenues, including a projected net loss or gain in such revenues if it can be projected by the Agency:The probable cost to DHS includes the cost of printing and distributing the rules estimated to be less than $20.The revised rules will result in enhanced delivery of services for clients.

F.A determination whether implementation of the proposed rule will have an impact on any political subdivisions or require their cooperation in implementing or enforcing the rule:The proposed amendments do not have an economic impact on any political subdivision, nor will the cooperation of any political subdivisions be required in implementation or enforcement of the rules.

G.A determination whether implementation of the proposed rule will have an adverse economic effect on small business as provided by the Oklahoma Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Act:There are no anticipated adverse effects on small business as provided by the Oklahoma Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Act.

H.An explanation of the measures the Agency has taken to minimize compliance costs and a determination whether there are less costly or nonregulatory methods or less intrusive methods for achieving the purpose of the proposed rule:There are no less costly or non-regulatory methods or less intrusive methods.

I.A determination of the effect of the proposed rule on the public health, safety, and environment and, if the proposed rule is designed to reduce significant risks to the public health, safety, and environment, an explanation of the nature of the risk and to what extent the proposed rule will reduce the risk:Implementation of the proposed rules will reduce health risks for households by facilitating the delivery of benefits and services to persons in need.The increased processing time for LIHEAP applications is not designed to reduce significant risks to the public health, safety, or environment.Emergency situations identified by State Office LIHEAP program management will receive priority processing so payment will be delivered to the appropriate provider as soon as possible.

J.A determination of any detrimental effect on the public health, safety, and environment if the proposed rule is not implemented:If the proposed amendments are not implemented, no detrimental health or safety effects are anticipated.

K.The date the rule impact statement was prepared and, if modified, the date modified:Prepared May 25, 2016; modified July 26, 2016; modified November 10, 2016; modified January 3, 2017.


340:65-3-2.1. Counting days for providing proof, interview dates, and application time limits

Revised 6-1-139-15-17

When counting days for providing proof, interview dates, and application time limits, the worker does not count the first day in the time period.but does count The worker counts the last day in the time period unless the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) (DHS) is not open for business on that date.When the office DHS is not open on the last day of the time period, the worker gives the client is given until the next business day to comply with eligibility requirements.

(1) Providing proof.When The worker gives the client must provide information at least 10-calendar days to provide proof, when needed, to verify his or her situation before receiving eligibility to receive or continuing continue to receive benefits, the worker gives the client at least ten calendar days to provide needed proof.The worker assists the client in obtaining necessary proof, when requested.The worker's assistance may range from explaining how or where to obtain proof to obtaining the proof when the client is unable to do so.The worker is not required to obtain proof for a client who is able, but unwilling to do so.¢ 1

(2) Interview date.When the client must be interviewed, the worker sets the earliest possible interview date allowing for sufficient mail delivery time when the client cannot be reached by telephone phone. ¢ 2

(A) For When the client applies for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) when the client food benefits and appears eligible for expedited services, the worker completes the interview must be completed within seven calendar days or, when identity is verified, may postpone the interview per Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 340:50-3-2.The interview date for households ineligible When the household does not appear eligible for expedited services, must be scheduled the worker schedules the interview no later than the 20th calendar day from the application date of application.

(B) Every effort is made to interview a person applying for When the client applies for Child Care Subsidy benefits, the worker interviews the client on the request date per OAC 340:40-3-1, when possible, since the earliest approval date benefits are approved is the date the client completes the interview is completed and provides all necessary proof is provided.

(3) Application time limits.Refer to OAC 340:65-3-5 for application processing time limits.To be considered timely, the worker must certify or deny an application:

(A) no later than the last business day of the time limit.When the time limit ends on a day OKDHS; or

(B) when DHS is not open for business closed on the last day of the time limit, the client has until the next open business day to comply with eligibility requirements.¢ 3


Revised 6-1-139-15-17

1.The worker gives or sends the client Form 08AD092E, Client Contact and Information Request, to request needed proof.The worker only checks the items required to determine the client's eligibility for that client based on program specific policy.For example, the worker does not check resources when resources are not an eligibility factor or self-employment when the client did not report that someone in the household was self-employed.

(1) When the client fails to provide all or part of the requested proof, the worker does not send a new Form 08AD092E.

(2) When the worker requests additional proof not listed on the original Form 08AD092E, he or she must provide a new Form 08AD092E giving the client at least 10-calendar days to provide the additional information.

(3) When the client contacts the worker to check the status of the application and the client has not provided all required proof, the worker verbally advises informs the client of any remaining required what proof is needed and by what day is the 30th calendar date following it must be provided before the worker denies the application date.The worker may also resend the original Form 08AD092E with the remaining required proof not provided circled when there is a reasonable period of sufficient time for the client to receive the form and respond.

(4) In order to provide better customer service when time permits, the worker may initiate a call to the client to advise inform him or her of remaining required proof and by what day is the 30th calendar date following the application date it must be provided.The worker does not resend the original Form 08AD092E unless he or she is first able to explain why it is being sent and there is a reasonable period of time for the client to receive the form and respond.Per OAC 340:65-1-2 Instructions to staff Staff # 7, an email reminder may also be sent.

(5) The worker must record records all face-to-face, verbal, and written client contacts in Family Assistance/Client Services (FACS) Case Notes including:

(A) the date of the contact;

(B) whether the contact was face-to-face, verbal, or in writing if the contact was worker or client initiated;

(C) whether the contact was worker or client initiated if the contact was face-to-face, verbal, or in writing; and

(D) when verbal:

(i) any information provided by the client regarding eligibility;

(ii) what the worker advised the client regarding remaining required proof, if when applicable;

(iii) whether if the worker resent the original Form 08AD092E or sent a new Form 08AD092E requesting additional proof; and

(iii) any other information the worker gave regarding the application process and time frame.

2.(a) When an interview is required for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the type of proof needed is unknown, the worker sends Form 08AD091E, Interview Notice, or Form 08AD093E, Telephone Support Center Interview Notice, to schedule the interview.

(1) The county office worker uses Form 08AD091E instead of Form 08AD093E because it:

(A) it provides the option of an office or telephone phone interview; and

(B) it advises instructs the applicant to send proof to the local county office address.

(2) The support center worker sends Form 08AD093E because it only provides the telephone phone interview option and advises instructs the applicant to send proof to the Customer Services Center address.

(b) Workers scheduling interviews for all programs except SNAP, send Form 08AD092E, Client Contact and Information Request, because this form allows the worker to schedule an office or a telephone phone interview and request proof at the same time.

(c) When an earlier interview date is agreed upon and negative action is taken because the client misses the interview, FACS Case Notes must document when the client agreed to the earlier interview date.For SNAP, when a scheduled interview is missed, the worker uses the FDENY transaction is used which then issues to future deny the application and issue the Notice of Missed Interview (NOMI).

3.(a) When the client has been given at least ten 10-calendar days to comply with eligibility requirements, the worker may deny the application on or before the last day of the application time limit unless the application cannot be processed timely for one of the reasons apply per OAC 340:65-3-5(1)(B)(2)(A)-(D).

(1) When the client complies with eligibility requirements on the last day of the time limit, the worker approves benefits back to the first day allowed by specific program requirements.

(2) When the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS)(DHS) offices are closed on the last day of the time limit and the client complies with eligibility requirements by the next business day, the worker approves benefits back to the first day allowed by specific program requirements.

(b) When FDENY is used for SNAP and the last day of the application time limit falls on a day OKDHS DHS is not open, the system waits to deny the application until the next business date.When FDENY is used, the timeliness report shows the application was completed timely.

340:65-3-5. Application process

Revised 6-1-139-15-17

The worker certifies or denies an application received online or in the local county office within time limits specified in paragraph (1) of this Section.

(1) Application processing time limits.An application must be processed within program specific time limits.Refer to Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 340:65-3-2.1, when the last day of the time limit falls on a day the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) (DHS) is not open for business.The time limits are:

(A) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) – 30-calendar days;

(B) Title IV-E Foster Care – 30-calendar days;

(C) Energy Crisis Assistance Program (ECAP) - 48 hours;

(D) Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) - 30-calendar days unless the household is eligible for expedited service.When the household is eligible for expedited service, the application must be completed within seven-calendar days per OAC 340:50-11-4;

(D) State Supplemental Payment (SSP) for:

(i) persons categorically related to Aid to the Aged - 30-calendar days; and

(ii) persons categorically related to Aid to the Blind or Disabled - 60-calendar days;

(E) SoonerCare (Medicaid) benefits for:

(i) persons categorically related to Aid to the Aged - 30-calendar days;

(ii) persons categorically related to Aid to the Blind or Disabled - 60-calendar days;

(iii) Optional Tuberculosis (TB) Coverage group - 45-calendar days; and

(iv) persons requesting long-term care services - 45-calendar days;

(F) TANF Emergency Assistance - five working days;

(G) Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) – 10 calendar days of per OAC 340:20-1-14:

(i) 60-calendar days of the date of application when all required proof is provided at the time of application date for winter heating and summer cooling; or

(ii) hand-delivering or mailing Form 08AD092E, Client Contact and Information Request, to the applicant requesting required proof no later than 18 hours of the application date for an Energy Crisis Assistance Program (ECAP) application involving a life-threatening medical situation or 48 hours for all other ECAP applications;

(H) Refugee Medical Assistance - 30-calendar days; and

(I) Child Care subsidy benefits – two-business days from the date the interview is completed and required proof is provided or, if when not provided, within 30-calendar days.

(2) Delayed applications.When it is not possible to process the application timely, the worker sends the applicant Form 08MP038E, Client Notice of Action Taken, advising the reason for the delay and the applicant's hearing rights.An application is not denied when it cannot be processed timely due to:¢ 1

(A) the applicant's failure or delay in providing needed information because of circumstances beyond the applicant's control of the applicant that result in failure or delay on the part of the applicant to provide needed information;

(B) an examining physician's failure or delay on the part of an examining physician to supply in supplying needed information;

(C) failure or delay on the part of the Social Security Administration Administration's failure or delayin making a disability decision; or

(D) administrative or other emergency that could not reasonably be controlled by the worker worker's failure to take timely action.

(3) Certification for cash assistance.When all conditions of TANF eligibility are established for the application month of application, certification is effective from the date of application date and benefits are prorated from the date of application per (5) of this Section.¢ 2When all conditions of SSP eligibility are is established for the application month of application, certification is effective from the first day of the month and the SSP is not prorated.

(A) Certification cannot be effective prior to the application date.

(B) When an application is taken for a TANF and all other conditions of eligibility are determined prior to a child's entry to the home, the applicant requests benefits for an additional person after the application date, but before certification, the worker approves benefits for the additional person effective on the same date cannot be prior to the actual date of entry as the assistance unit.¢ 3

(B) When a TANF recipient requests benefits for an additional person after certification, the recipient must complete a new application for the additional benefit.When eligible, the worker prorates benefits for the additional person from the application date per (5) of this Section.¢ 4

(C) A retroactive payment may be authorized for any month the worker establishes eligibility is established prior to the current month.An application denied in error must have payment authorized for the period eligibility is established.The applicant is not penalized if the certification is delayed beyond the time limit for disposition due solely to OKDHS failure to take timely action.¢ 5

(D) A certification is valid even if when a month of ineligibility is determined between application and authorization the date the certification action is taken.An applicant, who is ineligible for the month of application but is and eligible for a subsequent month, is certified effective the first day of the subsequent month.¢ 6

(4) Notice of ineligibility.When an applicant is ineligible, a computer-generated denial notice is sent to the applicant providing the effective date and explaining the reason for ineligibility.If the applicant is dissatisfied with the action taken, the The applicant may request a fair hearing within the period of time specified in the notice.¢ 47

(5) Proration of TANF benefits.The proration of When eligible, the worker certifies a TANF benefits applies when the applicant is determined eligible during the month of application from the application date and prorates the initial month's benefit, unless the applicant applied on the first day of the month or received a TANF benefit for the previous month and is eligible to be reopened per OAC 340:65-5-6.¢ 8 Certification is effective from the date of application.Proration also applies when a for the first month the worker adds an additional person is added to an existing case open TANF cash assistance benefit.¢ 54The family is eligible for the full TANF benefit effective the following month, if when applicable.

(A) For the month of application only, the TANF benefits are prorated from the date of application.The TANF benefits the recipient would be eligible to receive if proration did not apply must be determined prior to the computation.The worker refers to Schedule IX on Appendix C-1, Maximum Income, Resource, and Payment Standards, to determine the full monthly TANF benefit before computing the prorated benefit.¢ 6

(B) The formula used to determine worker uses Appendix B, Prorated TANF and Food Benefit Payment, to compute the prorated benefit amount is or the formula:31 - application date x full monthly TANF money benefit ¸ 30 = the prorated payment.The prorated payment is rounded down to the lower dollar amount.

(i) If When the prorated benefit is below less than $10, the family is not eligible for a money payment, but is eligible for SoonerCare (Medicaid) benefits for the entire month.

(ii) When food benefits are requested certified at the same time or after the TANF certification in the TANF case for the month the TANF payment is prorated, the food benefit unearned income is automatically updated to show the TANF benefit before proration.

(iii) The notification to the client is computer-generated and client notice shows the benefit amount for the initial month and following month.


Revised 12-1-15 9-15-17

1.Case Notes in the Family Assistance/Client Services (FACS) system must clearly document what circumstances caused the delay.Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and State Supplemental Payment (SSP) delayed application rules are located in this Chapter.For other program specific procedures, refer to:

(1) Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 340:50-9-4 for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP); and

(2) OAC 340:40-3-1(a)(8) for Child Care Subsidy.

2.Refer to OAC 340:65-3-5(5) for proration of benefits.

3.(a) When the applicant requests TANF benefits for an additional person prior to certification, the applicant is not required to complete a new application.The worker approves benefits for the person as if he or she was included at the time of application.For example, the applicant applies for TANF on June 2, 2015, and requests benefits for an additional child on June 10, 2015.Since the application is pending on June 10, 2015, the worker adds the child to the TANF benefit effective the certification date.

4.(b)(a) When the recipient requests TANF benefits for an additional person after certification, the recipient must complete a new application before adding the person.The worker prorates benefits from the application date OAC 340:65-3-5(5).Refer to OAC 340:65-5-1(a)(2)(3) and Instructions to Staff # 6 regarding household composition changes after certification.

(b) To approve benefits for the additional person, the worker:

(1) enters a change action in the FACS Eligibility Notebook Financial Eligibility tab for the next effective date;

(2) adds the person to the FACS Interview Notebook Household tab;

(3) adds countable income to the FACS Eligibility Notebook Income tab; and

(4) issues a supplement for the application month and, when necessary, the next month using the F17C transaction.

5.(a) The worker must use the F17C transaction to issue a TANF benefit for a prior month when food benefits are open and countable income is different for the prior month than for the current month.The F17C transaction must also be used to issue any months prior to the immediate prior month when food benefits are open and the unfinished issuance process cannot be used.

(b) When the F17C transaction is used, the worker must send Form 08MP038E, Client Notice of Action Taken, to notify the applicant as the F17C transaction does not issue a notice.

6.When a month of ineligibility occurs between application and the date the certification action is taken, the worker:

(1) uses the F17C transaction to issue any prior month benefits;

(2) sends Form 08MP038E to deny the ineligible month and inform the applicant of the retroactive certification; and

(3) certifies the TANF benefit in the FACS Financial Eligibility tab for the next effective month.

47.Refer to OAC 340:2-5 for fair hearing procedures.

58.(a) Refer to OAC 340:50-9-1(c)(1) for initial month food benefit proration procedures.

(b) Oklahoma Department of Human Services DHS Appendix B, Prorated TANF and Food Benefit Payment, may be used to calculate the prorated benefit.

(c) Refer to OAC 340:10-2-2 when reopening the TANF benefit after a sanction.

6.Refer to DHS Appendix C-1, Schedule of Maximum Income, Resource, and Payment Standards, Schedule IXA.

340:65-3-6. Payment method for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and State Supplemental Payment (SSP) benefits Cash assistance payment procedures

Revised 9-15-17

(a) Payment method choices.The Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) issues TANF and SSP cash assistance benefits through a contractor on a debit card or by direct deposit.DHS initially issues the benefit on a debit card.¢ 1

(1) After the first benefit issues, the recipient may continue to receive benefits by debit card or change the payment method to direct deposit.

(2) The recipient may switch between direct deposit and debit card as needed.

(b) Debit card procedures.Debit card procedures are listed in (1) through (7)(6) of this paragraph subsection.

(1) Unless the applicant was previously issued a debit card, it is issued to the applicant after the application is placed in application status or after benefits are approved.

(A) A debit card issues after the application is placed in application status when the applicant was previously issued a client number.DHS assigns a client number to a person after he or she is approved for a DHS benefit or when the person has an open child support case with DHS Child Support Services (CSS).¢ 2

(B) When the applicant does not have a client number, the debit card issues after the worker certifies the TANF or SSP benefit.

(C) DHS does not issue a debit card to an applicant when he or she was previously issued a debit card.When the applicant states he or she no longer has the debit card, the applicant must call 1-888-401-9843, the contractor's customer service telephone phone number, to obtain a replacement card.

(2) Once the applicant receives the debit card, he or she must call the customer service telephone phone number located on the back of the debit card to activate the card and choose a personal identification number (PIN).

(3) Initial and replacement debit cards are mailed to the applicant or recipient's mailing address along with information regarding:¢ 3

(A) the customer service telephone phone number the applicant must call to activate the debit card or to report a lost or stolen card;

(B) how to make purchases using the debit card or get cash from participating automated teller machine (ATM) locations;

(C) free services, including two free ATM withdrawals per calendar month from the Bank of Oklahoma and Transfund banking locations MoneyPass ATMs, and fees;¢ 4

(D) how to request an alternate a companion cardholder or switch to direct deposit;¢ 5and

(E) the website address where the applicant may access his or her account balance and transaction information.

(4) The recipient is eligible for a free replacement card once every 12 months upon request.The recipient is charged a fee when he or she requests a replacement card more than once every 12 months.The debit card expires every three years and a free replacement is sent to recipients with open benefits.

(5) The recipient may choose another person to be a secondary cardholder for the benefits.When there is a substitute payee for the TANF benefit per Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 340:65-5-66, the substitute payee is the secondary cardholder.

(A) The recipient and the secondary cardholder must complete and sign a Secondary Cardholder Request form and return it to the address listed on the form before a debit card is issued to the secondary cardholder.

(B) The recipient obtains the Secondary Cardholder Request form by contacting the customer service telephone number located on the back of the debit card or downloading the form from¢ 4

(C) After the secondary cardholder receives the debit card, he or she must choose a PIN number to access benefits.

(6) When the recipient advises the (DHS) staff informs the worker that he or she did not receive the debit card, the worker checks to see if the recipient's address changed.If When the address changed, the worker updates the system with the correct address.The recipient must call the customer service telephone phone number to request a replacement card.¢ 56

(7)(6) When the recipient fails or refuses to activate his or her debit card within 90-calendar days, the benefits are expunged from the debit card and returned to DHS.

(A) Upon notification of expunged benefits, the worker contacts the recipient to offer assistance in pinning the debit card.

(i) When the worker is unable to reach the recipient by telephone phone, the worker sends Form 08AD092E, Client Contact and Information Request, and gives the recipient 10-calendar days to contact the worker.

(ii) When the worker is able to talk to the recipient, the worker determines why the recipient did not pin the debit card and offers assistance.The worker advises the recipient to pin the debit card within 10-calendar days and let the worker know when it is pinned so he or she can restore expunged benefits to the debit card.If the client does not contact the worker within 10-calendar days to reissue the expunged benefits, the worker sends Form 08AD092E and gives the client 10- calendar days to respond.

(B) The funds may be reloaded on the recipient's debit card if he or she pins the debit card and requests DHS reissuance within 365-calendar days of the issuance date.¢ 67

(C) When the recipient fails or refuses to pin the debit card within 10-calendar days of issuing Form 08AD092E, the worker closes the TANF or SSP cash assistance benefit due to non-cooperation.¢ 78When the:

(i) TANF Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cash assistance benefit closes due to non-cooperation, the assistance unit's SoonerCare (Medicaid) benefit closes.When the recipient wants to continue to receive SoonerCare (Medicaid) benefits, he or she must reapply through the Oklahoma Health Care Authority's online enrollment system;¢ 89 and or

(ii) SSP State Supplemental Payment cash assistance benefit closes due to non-cooperation, the recipient's SoonerCare (Medicaid) benefit remains open.

(D) The recipient's TANF or SSP cash assistance benefit may be reopened when the recipient pins the debit card and notifies the worker within 30-calendar days of closure.

(c) Electronic benefit transfer (EBT) transaction restrictions.Electronic benefit transfer EBT transaction means the use of a credit or debit card service, automated teller machine, point-of-sale terminal, or access to an online system for the withdrawal of funds or the processing of a payment for merchandise or service.Per Section 4004 of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012, Section 608(a) of Title 42 of the United States Code (42 U.S.C. § 608(a)(12)), and Section 241.4 of Title 56 of Oklahoma Statutes, no debit or EBT card containing state or federal funds from programs including, but not limited to, TANF may be used in any transaction in any:¢ 910

(1) liquor store.The term liquor store means any establishment that sells exclusively or primarily intoxicating liquor.The term does not include a grocery store that sells both intoxicating liquor and groceries, including staple foods per Section 3(r) of the Food and Nutrition Act;

(2) casino, gambling casino, or gaming establishment except for:

(A) a grocery store that sells groceries, including staple foods per 7 U.S.C. § 2012, and also offers, or is located within the same building or complex as an establishment offering casino, gambling, or gaming activities; or

(B) any other establishment offering casino, gambling, or gaming activities incidental to the principal purpose of the business;

(3) retail establishment that provides adult-oriented entertainment in which performers disrobe or perform in an unclothed state for entertainment; or

(4) retail establishment whose principal business is that of selling cigarettes, cigars, or tobacco products.

(d) Direct deposit procedures.Direct deposit procedures are listed in (1) through (7) of this paragraph.

(1) When the recipient prefers to receive benefits through direct deposit, he or she must complete and sign the direct deposit form, provide a voided check or a savings account deposit slip, and return them to the address on the form.¢ 1011

(A)(1) To obtain the direct deposit form, the recipient calls the customer service telephone phone number located on the back of the debit card, downloads a direct deposit form from the website, or obtains one from the worker.¢ 412

(B)(2) After receiving the completed form and confirming account information, the contractor has five-business days to enter direct deposit information in the system.

(C)(3) Benefits are changed to direct deposit for the next payment due after direct deposit information is entered in the system.

(D)(4) Funds cannot be transferred from a debit card to direct deposit.

(e) Benefit issuance.After the initial issuance, the recipient's cash assistance benefit is deposited in the recipient's checking or savings account on the first banking day of each month or loaded on the recipient's debit card on the first day of each month.¢ 13

(1) The funds are available for withdrawal after deposit.

(2) After the monthly benefit is deposited in the recipient's account or loaded on the debit card, DHS is not responsible if someone other than the payee withdraws the funds.Banking regulations govern withdrawals.

(3) Recipients are encouraged to be prudent about giving withdrawal privileges or debit card access to other people.

(f) Issuance problem procedures.When problems occur with direct deposit or debit card deposits, procedures for dealing with these problems are listed in (1) through (5) of this subsection.

(1) When the recipient provides incorrect account information, the TANF or SSP cash assistance benefit cannot be deposited in the recipient's bank account.The contractor's staff attempts to contact the recipient to obtain current banking information.When the recipient fails to provide current information or five calendar days lapse without contact, the contractor converts the payment method to a debit card.The recipient must complete a new direct deposit form and provide current account information before another attempt is made to issue benefits through direct deposit.

(2) When a deposit is not made to the recipient's direct deposit account or loaded on the debit card, the recipient must report the problem to the contractor's customer service telephone phone number.The contractor handles any communication with banking institutions or debit card vendors and then contacts the recipient regarding resolution.

(3) When the recipient dies while receiving benefits, questions may arise concerning unspent funds in the recipient's bank account or on his or her debit card.

(A) When the client is not eligible for a payment made after death to the recipient's debit card or bank account, an overpayment may be established against the estate.

(i) DHS notifies the debit card contractor to expunge the funds from the debit card, when possible.¢ 1114

(ii) Payments made by direct deposit, cannot be expunged or retrieved.

(B) When there are unused benefits on the debit card at the time of death for which the recipient was entitled and someone contacts DHS to request these benefits, he or she is advised to contact the customer service phone number located on the back of the recipient's debit card to request the funds.When unused funds remain in a bank account, the person must contact the financial institution to request the funds.

(4) When the recipient's cash assistance benefit closes due to transfer of eligibility to another TANF or SSP cash assistance case, the payment method is automatically transferred to the new case provided the client number of the payee in the closed and new case is the same.When the recipient's cash assistance benefit closes and he or she later reapplies and is approved with the same client number, the previously chosen payment method is used to issue the cash assistance benefit.The recipient must call the contractor's customer service telephone phone number to change the payment method or to update bank account information.

(5) When the payee for the cash assistance benefit changes for any reason, the new payee is assigned a new client number unless one was previously issued to him or her.

(A) The new payee is considered an applicant.Refer to (a) and (b) of this Section regarding payment methods and initial payments.

(B) The new payee does not have access to benefits issued prior to the payee change.


Revised 7-1-149-15-17

1.(a) When the person receiving State Supplemental Payment (SSP) benefits is under 18 years of age with a parent as the natural guardian or is an adult with a legal guardian, the worker codes the case to show the guardian is the as payee.This allows the debit card to issue in the name of the legal or natural guardian.To properly code the case, the worker clicks on the Household tab in the Family Assistance/Client Services (FACS) Interview Notebook and chooses:

(1) "applicant or recipient with guardian, conservator, or substitute payee" in the "relationship to payee" field for the child;

(2) "applicant, recipient payee, or head of household" in the "relationship to payee" field for the parent or guardian; and

(3) "income/resources are not considered for benefit computation" in the "status" field for the parent or guardian.

(b) When the payee is a minor on the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits, the minor is coded as payee in order to track minor's lifetime TANF receipt limit of 60 months.When there is a substitute payee, the worker enters the name of the substitute payee in the "guardian, substitute payee, conservator, authorized representative, other" field and "substitute payee" in the "responsible person, or extra address" field of the FACS Interview Notebook Case Information tab.The substitute payee is the secondary cardholder for the TANF benefits.

2.(a) The Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) uses the client number as the primary unique identifier for case number assignment.This includes case numbers assigned for TANF, SSP, and child support payments issued by the DHS Child Support Services (CCS).

(1) The client number may also be called the Client ID (CID), Department Client Number (DCN), or the Recipient ID (RID).

(2) The worker checks the client number on each case to ensure the client number matches by entering CMC space case number or by looking at the client number on the first page of the person's EF screen for each case number.

(3) When more than one client number was issued for the same person, the worker opens a Remedy ticket to request help in collapsing the numbers into one client number.

(b) Included with the debit card are three other collateral documents produced by the contractor.These forms may be viewed online at forms are:

(1) Form ACS-OK-103, Oklahoma MasterCard Card Terms of Use;

(2) Form ACL-OK-02, Enjoy the Benefits of Your New Oklahoma Debit MasterCard; and

(3) Form ACC-OK-02, Your Oklahoma Debit MasterCard Card.

3.The worker may read and print debit card information from Financial Services Finance and Administration Electronic Payment Systems (EPS) job function page or at

4.The Secondary Cardholder Request form is available for printing on the Infonet under the Financial Services EPS job function page.MoneyPass is an automated teller machine (ATM) Network System.MoneyPass ATMs are located in all Wal-Mart stores and at other locations throughout the state.The recipient and worker may locate the closest ATM at

5.The recipient may designate a companion cardholder at www.goprogram.comor by calling the phone number on the back of the debit card.Due to banking rules, the worker is not allowed to designate a companion cardholder for the recipient.

56.(a) The worker checks to see if a debit card returned by entering BN space the case number.When the BN1 screen shows an "EW" in the "benefit" field and the "type issuance" field shows "CR," the client's debit card and payment were returned to DHS or the money was expunged from the debit card.

(b) There is no fee for issuing a replacement card when the recipient did not activate and pin the initial card.

67.After the recipient pins his or her debit card, the worker contacts the Adult and Family Services (AFS) Help Desk or EPS staff to request benefits be reloaded on the recipient's debit card.The worker documents in FACS Case Notes the recipient's reason for not pinning the debit card.

78.For SSP, closing the recipient's benefit when he or she does not plan to access the benefits, reduces the amount of unused issued benefits DHS must count toward its obligation to comply with a federal mandate not to decrease funds spent on the program each year.

89.The online enrollment system does not allow the recipient to apply for SoonerCare (Medicaid) benefits until after the effective date of the TANF closure.

910.(a) Refer to Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 340:10-3-57(h) for TANF client penalties.Section 241.4 of Title 56 of the Oklahoma Statutes does not require assessment of client penalties for recipients receiving SSP.

(b) In 2016, DHS switched cash assistance benefits to a debit card that does not allow usage in prohibited locations.

1011.When the recipient's name is not on the voided check or deposit slip, he or she must include proof of identity and a statement authorizing funds to be deposited into someone else's account.When the voided check or deposit slip provided is for a company account, a person's name must be listed in the second address box.

12.The Oklahoma Direct Deposit Enrollment Form is available on the Infonet at the Finance and Administration Job Function page under Forms.

13.`The TANF cash assistance benefit is deposited in the recipient's checking or savings account or loaded on the recipient's debit card on the first day of each month.The SSP cash assistance benefit is deposited in the recipient's checking or savings account within three business days of the 28th day of each month or loaded on the recipient's debit card on the 28th day of each month.¢ 13

1114.The worker codes the case to show the recipient's date of death.This causes the system to automatically status the cardholder as deceased and deactivate deactivates the recipient's debit card.The EPS Unit is may then able to formally request the contractor return to DHS any money left in the debit card account issued after the recipient's death to DHS.The EPS Unit does not write an overpayment when it is not possible to expunge the benefit.

340:65-3-7. Denial of application Application denial

Revised 6-1-139-15-17

(a) If When the applicant is unwilling to cooperate in establishing eligibility, or if when eligibility cannot be established, the worker denies the application.A computer-generated denial notice of denial is sent to the applicant or his or her representative except in the case of death. In case of an applicant's death, the worker sends a letter to the applicant's authorized representative or nearest relative.¢ 1

(1) Refer to Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 340:65-3-2 for the definition of what constitutes an application for each program.

(2) Before denying an application with incomplete documentation, the worker must provide the applicant Form 08AD092E, Client Contact and Information Request, giving him or her at least 10-calendar days to provide the missing proof.When the applicant requests requested, the worker provides assistance in obtaining necessary proof, the worker must assist the applicant.The worker's assistance may range from explaining how or where to obtain proof to the worker obtaining the proof when the client is unable to do so.The worker is not required to obtain proof for a client who is able, but unwilling to do so.

(3) When an applicant verbally asks to withdraw his or her application before the worker determines eligibility is determined, the worker asks the applicant to put the withdrawal request in writing.The worker denies the application based on the reason given by the applicant.¢ 2

(4) When the worker is unable to locate the applicant to complete the application, he or she denies the application.¢ 3

(5) The applicant may request a fair hearing within the specified time of the notice when he or she disagrees with the action taken.Refer to OAC 340:2-5 for fair hearing procedures.

(b) A new application is not required when, after denial, the household completes the application process and is determined eligible within 60-calendar days of the initial application date.When eligibility is not determined the household does not complete the application process by the 30th day following denial, if when specified by the program, benefits are prorated from the date eligibility is determined.¢ 4

Instructions to staff 340:65-3-7

Revised 12-1-159-15-17

1.(a) Refer to Appendix U, Reasons for Negative Benefit Actions, to choose the most appropriate reason for denial.

(b) When the applicant dies and there are no other household members, the worker denies the application using "death or code 01."

(c) Refer to Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 340:65-3-9 for a list of the variable conditions of eligibility for each program.

2.(a) When the applicant does not put the denial request in writing, the worker denies the application based on the verbal request and informs the applicant of the right to reapply.

(b) The worker documents in FACS case notes the:

(1) date the applicant verbally requests requested denial of the application;

(2) reason given; and

(3) worker's request to put the denial request in writing.

3.(a) The worker denies the application using the reason, 'unable to locate' code 43 when there are indications the applicant does not live at the address given.Possible indications include, when the:

(1) post office returns mail as undeliverable and does not give a forwarding address;

(2) worker attempts to call the client after receiving returned mail, and the phone number given is disconnected; or

(3) worker makes a home visit and the residence appears vacant.

(b) The worker notes the reason he or she denied the application was denied and documents all attempts to locate the applicant in FACS case notes.

4.When the worker denies the application and the applicant provides eligibility information between the 31st- and 60th-calendar day of the application date, a new application is not needed.The date the applicant provides necessary information is the new application date.Refer to:

(1) OAC 340:50-3-1(d) for food benefits; and

(2) OAC 340:40-3-1(c)(2) for child care subsidy benefits.

340:65-3-8. Determination of continuing eligibility

Revised 10-1-16 9-15-17

(a) Determination of continuing eligibility.Determining continuing The worker determines continued eligibility is a process that must be carried out at appropriate intervals.The appropriate interval for reviewing eligibility depends on the type of benefit received.The worker is responsible for:

(1) advising informing the recipient at each contact of his or her responsibility to report changes within 10-calendar days of the date the change becomes known;

(2) making contact with contacting the recipient when possible changes are indicated to ensure continuing eligibility;

(3) synchronizing the renewal dates for all benefits received by the household when possible; ¢ 1 and

(4) determining continuing eligibility.

(b) Benefit renewal time frames.The periodic renewal time frame varies depending on the program.

(1) A benefit renewal must be completed at six-month intervals with a:

(A) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipient due to:

(i) pending required immunizations per Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 340:10-14-1;

(ii) payment standard reductions because of program violations per OAC 340:10-3-57(g) or (h);

(iii) hardship extension approvals per OAC 340:10-3-56(a)(2)(E);

(iv) earned income per OAC 340:10-3-31 through 340:10-3-40; or

(v) the exemption of a work-eligible person exempt from TANF Work activities because of his or her incapacity or to care for a disabled family member living in the household per OAC 340:10-2-1; or

(B) child care recipient per OAC 340:40-9-1; or

(C) food benefit recipient subject to a mid-certification renewal per OAC 340:50-9-5(i)(d) and (j)(e).

(2) A benefit renewal must be completed at 12-month intervals, unless an earlier renewal date is warranted, with a:

(A) TANF recipient unless (b)(1)(A) of this Section applies;

(B) State Supplemental Payment (SSP) recipient;

(C) child care recipient who is receiving TANF or SSP benefits per OAC 340:40-9-1;

(D) food benefit household subject to an annual mid-certification renewal per OAC 340:50-9-5(g)(b) and (h)(c);

(E) food benefit household whose Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) certification renewal must be completed at 12-months month intervals per OAC 340:50-9-6; or

(F) SoonerCare (Medicaid) recipient per OAC 317:35. ¢ 2

(3) The worker completes a SNAP certification renewal at 24-month intervals for households subject to an annual mid-certification renewal per OAC 340:50-9-5(g)(b) and (h)(c).

(c) Benefit renewal notification.The recipient is sent notification receives a notice when the benefit renewal is due, advising informing the recipient he or she must complete the benefit renewal within a certain specifiedtime frame in order to continue receiving benefits.¢ 3

(1) The worker sends Form 08AD092E, Client Contact and Information Request, to:

(A) SoonerCare (Medicaid) long-term care and other recipient groups not in online enrollment recipients for whom DHS determines eligibility per OAC 317:35-5-63 when they are not eligible to submit their renewals through;

(B) SSP recipients; and

(C) TANF recipients.

(2) The A computer-generated notice titled "Renew My Benefits" is sent to:

(A) child care recipients; and

(B) SoonerCare (Medicaid) recipients in the online enrollment population; and

(C) food benefit recipients due for mid-certification renewal. and

(3) The computer-generated notice titled "Continue My SNAP Benefits" is sent to food benefit recipients due for certification renewal.

(d) Signature requirements.The recipient, guardian, or a person acting on the recipient's behalf, such as an authorized representative or a person with power-of-attorney, must sign the benefit renewal for all programs except TANF.TANF renewals must be signed by the recipient.If When the recipient is living lives with his or her spouse, both must sign the TANF renewal.¢ 4

(e) Interview requirements.Whether an interview is required for a benefit Benefit renewal varies interview requirements vary depending on the program.¢ 5

(1) A face-to-face interview is required for the:

(A) TANF program; or

(B) Supplemental Security Income-Disabled Children's Program (SSI-DCP) service plan renewal per OAC 340:70‑8-1 OAC 340:15-3-1.

(2) A telephone or face-to-face interview is required at SNAP certification renewal except for (e)(3)(C) of this Section.

(3) An interview is not required for:

(A) any of the SoonerCare (Medicaid) programs as long as the client signed and completed the renewal is complete, including the signature, provided all required proof provided, and none of the information is questionable.When information is not complete or is questionable necessary, the worker contacts the recipient to obtain required proof complete the renewal;¢ 6

(B) the Child Care Subsidy program renewals unless the child care recipient receives child care benefits because of a protective or preventive reason per OAC 340:40-7-8; or

(C) food benefit households completing a:

(i) mid-certification renewal, at six- or 12-month intervals; or

(ii) SNAP certification renewal when all household members are elderly or disabled and there is no earned income in the household per OAC 340:50-3-2(a)(2).

(f) Eligibility determination.The worker determines eligibility after the benefit renewal is signed, all required proof is provided, an interview, if required, is conducted, and all information evaluated.¢ 7

(1) The eligibility determination worker may be to:

(A) complete the benefit renewal without changes;

(B) complete the benefit renewal with changes; or

(C) close the benefit or benefits.¢ 8

(2) Benefits closed may be reopened when When benefits close and the recipient provides required proof by the last day of the month of closure, benefits may be reopened.¢ 9


Revised 10-1-16

1.Synchronizing benefit renewal dates for all programs provides better client service as it reduces the number of times the client must complete a benefit renewal.

2.For SoonerCare (Medicaid) rules, refer to:

(1) Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 317:35-6-61 for SoonerCare (Medicaid) benefits for pregnant women and families with children;

(2) OAC 317:35-7-62 for a child in state or tribal custody;

(3) OAC 317:35-7-61 for SoonerCare (Medicaid) programs that categorically relate to the aged, blind, or disabled population, such as:

(A) State Supplemental Payment (SSP);

(B) Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB);

(C) Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB);

(D) Qualified Disabled and Working Individuals (QDWI);

(E) Qualified Medicare Beneficiary Plus (QMBP); and

(F) Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA);

(4) OAC 317:35-15-7 and 317:35-15-9 for Personal Care;

(5) OAC 317:35-17-12 and 317:35-17-15 for Advantage Waiver; and

(6) OAC 317:35-19-22 and 317:35-19-23 for nursing facility services.

3.(a) Methods the recipient may use to submit the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) semi-annual or annual benefit renewal and Child Care Subsidy program annual benefit renewal, or SNAP certification renewal include:

(1) accessing and submitting the benefit renewal electronically;

(2) getting help from Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) or a community partner to access and submitting the benefit renewal electronically;

(3) downloading Form 08MP004E, Renew My Benefits, from DHS - Forms and Applications for Service and completing, signing, and hand-delivering, mailing, or faxing it to DHS; or

(4) going into the local county office or a more convenient county office for the client to complete the benefit renewal using the OKDHSLive kiosk available in the lobby or with a worker using the Family Assistance/Client Services (FACS) system.

(b) In addition to the methods outlined in (a) of this instruction, the SoonerCare (Medicaid) population in Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) online enrollment may also submit the annual benefit renewal by using OHCA online enrollment or downloading federal Form OMB No. 0938-1191, Application for Health Coverage & Help Paying Costs, from OHCA - Forms and Instructions, or and completing, signing, and mailing it to OHCA.

(c) To complete a Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), benefit renewal, the worker and recipient complete Form 08MP001E, Request for Benefits, Form 08MP002E, Eligibility Information for Benefits, and Form 08MP003E, Responsibilities and Signature for Benefits using the Family Assistance/Client Services (FACS) system or paper forms, when completed during a home visit.

(d) To complete a SSP benefit renewal or a SoonerCare (Medicaid) benefit renewal for recipients not in OHCA online enrollment, the worker and recipient complete:

(1) Form 08MP001E, Form 08MP002E, and Form 08MP003E;

(2) Form 08MA001E, Medical Assistance Benefit Review Report; or

(3) Form 08MP004E, Renew My Benefits.

(e) A recipient who is aged, blind, or disabled may access to complete the SSP and/or SoonerCare (Medicaid) renewal when the recipient receives SNAP benefits and completes the SNAP certification renewal at the same time.Before completing the SSP and/or SoonerCare renewal when the recipient does not receive Supplemental Security Income, the worker calls the recipient to inquire about current resources and request needed verification.

(f) To complete a Supplemental Security Income-Disabled Children's Program (SSI-DCP) renewal, the worker and family complete Form 08MA017E, SSI-DCP Service Plan.

4.(a) An electronic signature is considered the same as a pen and ink signature.

(b) The worker documents in FACS Case Notes any additional proof received after the recipient signs the benefit renewal.

5.(a) When an interview is required for SNAP and the type of proof needed is unknown, the:

(1) county office worker sends Form 08AD091E, Interview Notice, to schedule the interview.The county office worker uses Form 08AD091E instead of Form 08AD093E, Telephone Interview Notice, because:

(A) it provides the option of an office or telephone interview; and

(B) advises the applicant to send proof to the local county office address; and

(2) support center worker sends Form 08AD093E because it only provides the phone interview option and advises the applicant to send proof to the Customer Services Center address.

(b) Workers scheduling interviews for all programs except SNAP, send Form 08AD092E, Client Contact and Information Request, because this form allows the worker to schedule an office or a phone interview and request proof at the same time.

(c) When an interview is required, information discussed with the recipient includes:

(1) changes reported on the benefit renewal and any proof the recipient needs to provide or provided;

(2) information contained on the data exchange screens, when inconsistent with recipient statement;

(3) for TANF, the recipient's TANF Work plan; and

(4) a reminder of the types of changes the recipient must report.

(d) When information is questionable, the worker may contact a person outside of the household to confirm information provided by the recipient or make a home visit.Refer to OAC 340:65-3-4 for information regarding home visit requirements, collateral contacts, and data exchange screens.

(e) When the recipient receives some benefits that require an interview and some that do not, for the benefits that:

(1) require an interview, the benefit renewal is not complete until the interview is conducted; and

(2) do not require an interview, the benefit renewal may be completed prior to the interview for the other benefits.

6. Attempts to contact the recipient to determine continued eligibility may be in person or over the phone.The worker documents all factors of eligibility and any contact with the recipient in FACS case notes.

7.(a) After the recipient completes the benefit renewal, the worker analyzes the information for each program benefit to determine:

(1) what changes occurred;

(2) whether the recipient provided all required proof;

(3) whether an interview occurred, when required; and

(4) what changes must be made on the system.

(b) The benefit renewal is complete after the worker:

(1) evaluates information contained on the benefit renewal, in the verification provided, and on data exchange screens to determine if changes occurred and clears any discrepancies;

(2) enters all benefit renewal information, including changes, in the Interview and Eligibility Notebooks of the Family Assistance/Client Services (FACS);

(3) documents any changes made and how continued eligibility was determined in FACS case notes; and

(4) updates the system using Systems Help instructions for FACS and okdhslive located on the Infonet under the Job Functions tab/Adult and Family Services/ Systems Help.

(5) CWA reports are available to help workers track the status of pending benefit renewals.Information regarding each CWA report is available on the Systems Help web page under Reports/CWA and ACES.

8.(a) When the worker determines the benefit renewal is incomplete because the recipient failed to sign the benefit renewal, did not provide all required proof, or did not complete a required interview, the worker attempts to contact the recipient, when a contact number is available, to inform him or her what is lacking.The worker documents the contact and any attempts to obtain needed proof in FACS Case Notes.

(b) When the recipient does not provide required proof timely, the worker closes benefits effective the next advance notice deadline date per Appendix B-2, Deadlines for Case Actions.

9.(a) After closure, benefits may be reopened when the recipient provides the required proof by the last day of the month of closure.

(1) Benefits are reopened effective the date of closure for SoonerCare (Medicaid) populations not in online enrollment, Child Care Subsidy, TANF, and SSP.

(2) For SNAP, benefits are reopened and prorated to the date the recipient provided all required proof per OAC 340:50-9-5(i).

(b) The recipient must reapply when he or she waits until after the last day of the month of closure to provide needed proof.

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