Library: Policy
317:30-5-695.2. Payment for dental interns and students
Revised 7-01-06
(a) For those eligible providers under OAC 317:30-5-695(a)(2) and (3) (dental interns who hold permits or third and fourth year students), in addition to the requirements of OAC 317:30-5-695.1, the following requirements must be met for OHCA to pay a claim:
(1) the patient must be examined by an attending dentist in the dental training program;
(2) the care delivered to the Medicaid client by the student or intern must be supervised by the attending dentist; and
(3) the supervision by the attending dentist must be documented in the patient's medical record.
(b) Payment is made by the OHCA on behalf of the student or intern as provided above to the attending dentist and/or the institution providing the dental service.