Westbound I-244 closed Friday through Monday in east Tulsa, US-169 closed nightly
Westbound I-244 closed Friday through Monday in east Tulsa, US-169 closed nightly
All lanes of westbound I-244/US-412 will be closed between the I-44/I-244 eastern split (I-44 mm 236B) and the US-169 interchange (mm 13) from 8 p.m. Friday to 6 a.m. Monday for equipment movement and beam installation as part of an ongoing bridge replacement project. The westbound I-244 on-ramps from 129th E. Ave. and Garnett Rd. will also be closed during this time. Motorists bound for US-169 can detour using westbound I-44 to eastbound US-64/SH-51/Broken Arrow Expressway.
Also this weekend, north and southbound US-169 will be closed at I-244 from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. nightly Friday through Sunday for beam installation. Southbound US-169 traffic will be directed to westbound I-244 and northbound US-169 traffic will be directed to eastbound I-244 during these times.
Overnight closures of eastbound I-244 at US-169 are also planned in the near future.
Project background:
The northbound US-169 to westbound I-244 bridge replacement project began in March and will replace the ramp on a new alignment adjacent to the current ramp. Work is expected to be completed in spring 2024, weather permitting. The Oklahoma Transportation Commission awarded the $19 million contract for the project to Manhattan Road & Bridge Company in September 2022.