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Local Government Pre-Qualification Information

Local Government Pre-Qualification Information

Please review the below information related to pre-qualification opportunities for county and city projects, submittal instructions/requirements and a list of consultants who are currently pre-qualified for Local Government services.

New consultants interested in being pre-qualified for Local Government Services
• New consultants may submit qualifications at any time under the View Contract Solicitations link located on the left-hand side of the TOPS Home page. Note: you must have an active TOPS user ID to submit your firm’s qualifications for review. You can log in to TOPS or create a user ID here.

Existing pre-qualified consultants wanting to update qualifications or renew pre-qualification status

• Existing consultants should update qualifications under the View Contract Solicitations_Local Government Pre-Qualification solicitation in TOPS any time there is a change in personnel and are required to re-qualify every 4 years to remain on the pre-qualified list. To view your firm's current pre-qualification status, including renewal due dates, use the below link.

Current list of Local Government pre-qualified consultants
Submittal Instructions, Pre-Qualification Opportunities & Requirements


Last Modified on Jun 03, 2024
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