Input needed on proposed SH-51/Sixth Ave. improvements in Stillwater; virtual meeting open through Oct. 19
Give the Oklahoma Department of Transportation your input on proposed improvements to SH-51/Sixth Ave. in Stillwater through a virtual public involvement presentation online, open through Oct. 19.
The proposed $26 million project extends from just west of S. Western Rd. to just west of US-177/S. Perkins Rd. In partnership with the City of Stillwater, this project aims to address traffic congestion and improve safety for motorists and pedestrians, among other items. Under consideration are additional turn lanes, sidewalks, improvements to the SH-51 and S. Western Rd. intersection, updating drainage and offering improved downtown connections and aesthetics. ODOT tasked design consultants with a safety audit, a multimodal corridor study. The consultant took into consideration construction costs, right-of-way and environmental constraints.
The project currently is scheduled for FFY 2026 in the Eight-Year Construction Work Plan, however, work could be split into multiple projects based on cost and utility timelines.
SH-51/Sixth Ave., Stillwater, Virtual Public Meeting
Tuesday, Oct. 5 through Tuesday, Oct. 19
The purpose of the meeting is to inform the public of the proposed project and to solicit comments about the environmental and societal impact of the recommendations. Participants may view the conceptual plan, an interactive project map, the traffic study, information on how driveways will be impacted as well as right-of-way information and a frequently asked questions section, among other menu tabs with more details and maps of the area.
Due to COVID-19 precautions, this presentation is a web-based public viewing format with no in-person meetings scheduled. All project materials may be viewed online. Written comments concerning this project may be submitted by Oct. 19 in one of the following ways:
- Online at through the Submit a Comment menu tab;
- By mail to the Environmental Programs Division, Oklahoma Department of Transportation, 200 N.E. 21st St., Oklahoma City, OK, 73105; or
- By email to
Those without internet access may contact the ODOT Environmental Programs Division at 200 N.E. 21st St., Oklahoma City, OK 73105 or call 405-325-3269.