Media Advisory
The Oklahoma Department of Transportation is hosting a virtual open house to provide updates and get public input on proposed construction of a new I-35 interchange at SH-74/Grant St. on the north side of Purcell.
There is currently no interstate access at SH-74/Grant St. and the existing interchange at US-77/Green Ave. (mm 95) lacks a connection to southbound I-35. The department, in partnership with the City of Purcell, has developed three alternatives for construction of a new I-35 access point at SH-74/Grant St. to improve emergency vehicle access, reduce incident response time, improve connectivity to the regional transportation network and support continued growth in Purcell. The alternatives include construction of a partial or full diamond interchange at SH-74/Grant St. and modification of the existing US-77/Green Ave. ramps.
Right-of-way acquisition and utility relocation is scheduled to begin in Federal Fiscal Year 2022 and construction is expected to begin in 2025.
I-35 and SH-74 Virtual Open House
Public comments will be accepted through Feb. 10
Due to COVID-19 precautions, this presentation will be a web-based public viewing format with no in-person meetings scheduled. Members of the public can visit the website to view a presentation, map, video and other materials about the proposal and submit their comments through Feb. 10. Those without internet access can contact the ODOT Environmental Programs Division at 200 N.E. 21st St., Ste. 3-D2a, Oklahoma City, OK 73105 or call 405-325-3269.
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(Editors and News Directors: For questions, please call the ODOT Media & Public Relations Division at 405-521-6000.)