Media Advisory
The Oklahoma Department of Transportation is hosting a virtual open house to provide information and solicit public input on a proposed project to improve US-277 in Elgin in Comanche County.
The existing segment of US-277 between I-44/H.E. Bailey Turnpike and SH-17 in Elgin is a two-lane highway with heavy left turning traffic, as well as drainage issues and a lack of pedestrian access. Proposed improvements include construction of a center turn lane, curbs and gutters, and sidewalks.
The virtual open house is open through Aug. 17 and will allow the public to view the proposal and provide input on the latest design. Due to COVID-19 precautions, this presentation is a web-based public viewing format with no in-person meetings scheduled.
Right-of-way acquisition and utility relocation are currently scheduled to begin in Federal Fiscal Year 2025 and construction is scheduled to go to bid in FFY 2027; however, these are expected to be advanced.
US-277 virtual public meeting
Available through Aug. 17, 2021
Those without internet access can contact the ODOT Environmental Programs Division at 200 N.E. 21st St., Ste. 3-D2a, Oklahoma City, OK 73105 or call