ODOT seeks input on the I-40 Exit 65/65A interchange project in Clinton
The Oklahoma Department of Transportation is inviting the public to view informational materials and submit feedback for the interchange project at I-40 and I-40 Business/Gary Blvd. and I-40 and Neptune Dr. in Clinton in Custer County. A virtual open house is live on ODOT's website and the public may submit comments via the website, email or mail through Dec. 16.
The department is considering alternatives that will reconstruct the I-40 interchanges at I-40 Business/ Gary Blvd. and at Neptune Dr. to improve public safety as well as traffic efficiency. This project also will address four bridges that are at-risk of becoming structurally deficient.
One option rebuilds the I-40 Business/Gary Blvd. interchange and provides access to Neptune Drive via a free-flowing turnaround and one-way frontage roads. The second option rebuilds both the I-40 Business/Gary Blvd. and Neptune Dr. interchanges. These latest alternatives are based on feedback from the City of Clinton and previous public input.
The department is seeking comments to help develop a final design. The project is scheduled to go out for bid in 2024, based on funding availability.
I-40 Exit 65/65A Virtual Open House
Available online Dec. 2 - Dec. 16
Members of the public can visit www.odot.org/I40CusterExit65 to view the presentation, video and other materials about the proposal and submit comments through Dec. 16. Due to COVID-19 precautions, this presentation will be a web-based public viewing format with no in-person meetings scheduled. Those without internet access may contact the ODOT Environmental Programs Division at 200 N.E. 21st St., Ste. 3-D2a, Oklahoma City, OK 73105 or by calling 405-325-3269 and leave a detailed message. The best way to leave a comment is to use the Submit a Comment page in the online presentation or email comments to environment@odot.org.