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Open House for Proposed SH-100 Improvements Adair County

Monday, August 26, 2019

Aug. 26, 2019

SH-100 Improvements in Adair County to be discussed August 29th

The Oklahoma Department of Transportation is hosting an open house on Thursday, Aug. 29 to discuss possible improvements to SH-100 in Adair County.

The project would focus on the SH-100 corridor from northeast of the Cherokee County line and extending five miles into Adair County. The current highway has narrow lanes with no shoulders, and proposed safety improvements include widening the highway, reconfiguring some driveways and entrances and correcting sigh distance issues.

The open house is scheduled for Thursday 29th at the Stilwell Public Library. The public is invited to stop by to view the proposals and share their feedback. This will be a come-and-go format with no formal presentation.

Open House for Proposed SH-100 Improvements

Thursday, August 29th

5-7 p.m.

Stilwell Public Library

5 North 6th St., Stilwell

All project materials will also be made available online following the meeting at:

To request an accommodation, please contact the ODOT ADA Coordinator at 405-521-4140 or the Oklahoma Relay Service at 1-800-722-0353. If you have any ADA or Title VI questions email

Last Modified on Oct 23, 2020
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