Oklahoma communities get opportunity to TAP into transportation improvement grants
Smaller communities in Oklahoma have an opportunity to turn their transportation improvement ideas into reality. Nearly $7 million in federal grant money is now available through the Transportation Alternative Program.
The TAP program aims at helping communities with a population of less than 5,000 to develop projects which can help other forms of transportation. This can include improvements like pedestrian and bicycle paths, crosswalks and elevated walk ways, safe routes to schools and other community enhancements. The TAP fund covers 80 percent of the project while the other 20 percent must be matched by local entities or sponsors.
The grant registration is now open to eligible entities (see TAP Guidance and Application Packet for more information). While anyone can register for the TAP grant, individuals are encouraged to work with community leaders and establish groups to develop their proposals. Grant applications will open to eligible entities on Oct. 1 and close Nov. 30, 2018. All submitted applications will go through a competitive multi-phase selection process and more details can be found in the FY 2018 TAP Guidance and Application Packet.
Representatives from the Oklahoma Department of Transportation will also be available during the registration and application period to discuss ideas and help provide further information. Contact information can be found at the link above. Shelby Templin, ODOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator, stemplin@odot.org or 405-521-2694, or Laura Chaney, ODOT Planning and Performance Branch Manager, lchaney@odot.org or 405-521-2705.
The application cycle will be closed Nov. 30, 2018 and grant winners are expected to be announced in March 2019.
(Editors and News Directors: For questions, please call the ODOT Media & Public Relations Division at 405-521-6000. ODOT's office will be closed July 4 for the holiday.)