A proposal to improve two miles of SH-11 in Osage County is scheduled to be discussed in Barnsdall on Thursday, Sept. 21.
The project would address a segment of SH-11 from the SH-123 junction east of Barnsdall and extending two miles southeast. The highway currently has curves, sight distance limitations due to steep hills and inadequate shoulders. The proposed project would widen the highway and also replace two narrow bridges over Dog Thresher and Little Dog Thresher Creeks.
The Oklahoma Department of Transportation will present several alternatives for consideration at the meeting and is also seeking public input to help in the development of the project plans. The project is currently scheduled for a FFY2020 construction bid.
Public Meeting to discuss SH-11 improvements in Osage County
Sept. 21, 2017
6 p.m.
Barnsdall High School
200 8th St.
All project materials will also be made available online following the meeting at www.odot.org/publicmeetings.
To request an accommodation, please contact the ODOT ADA Coordinator at 405-521-4140 or the Oklahoma Relay Service at 1-800-722-0353. If you have any ADA or Title VI questions email ODOT-ada-titlevi@odot.org.