Public invited to open house meeting on future improvements on SH-19 in Grady County
The Oklahoma Department of Transportation is hosting an open house meeting on June 29 in Alex to present information and gather public input on a proposed project to improve SH-19 about 5 miles east of US-81 extending 8 miles east to the Roaring Creek Bridge in Grady County.
The purpose of this project is to improve safety of the highway. The Department is currently developing plans to improve this stretch and invites the public to view proposed designs and provide input on the proposals. The project is tentatively scheduled to go to bid in FFY 2022.
While no formal presentation is scheduled, the public can come anytime during this open house meeting to watch a short video and speak with engineers and planers. All project materials will also be made available online following the meeting at
SH-19 Open House
Thursday, June 29,, 2017
5:30-7:30 p.m.
Alex Public Schools Cafeteria
209 South Second Street
To request an accommodation, please contact the ODOT ADA Coordinator at 405-521-4140 or the Oklahoma Relay Service at 1-800-722-0353. If you have any ADA or Title VI questions email