Western Road project a big win for Stillwater, Oklahoma State University
November 1, 2016
PR# 16-049
Following a big homecoming win last week, the festive mood in Stillwater is now focused on celebrating a much-needed street improvement project. On Tuesday, Gov. Mary Fallin joined officials from the City of Stillwater, Payne County, Oklahoma State University and the Oklahoma Department of Transportation to dedicate the first phase of the widening of Western Rd.
A $5.3 million project to realign and widen Western Rd. at Hall of Fame Ave. and Farm Rd. completed in September and is the first of three phases to modernize the corridor. The project was a partnership, with Stillwater using local funds to match federal funds administered by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation. Gov. Fallin, OSU President Burns Hargis, Stillwater Mayor Gina Noble, Payne County Commissioner Kent Bradley, Secretary of Transportation Gary Ridley and ODOT Executive Director Mike Patterson cut the ribbon to ceremonially open Western Rd. and spoke about its importance to safety, mobility and economic development in Stillwater.
“By making connections in transportation infrastructure — such as this project improving access to the airport — we are helping create an unparalleled synergy that will benefit Stillwater, OSU and the surrounding area for years to come,” Gov. Fallin said. “It opens opportunities for businesses, students and university research.”
Western Rd. is a major route that serves the west side of the OSU campus and connects the Stillwater Regional Airport to the university, Stillwater business district and SH-51. In August, American Airlines began offering daily flights between Stillwater and the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport.
“The improvements to Western Rd. will make travel safer and more convenient for OSU students, employees and visitors, and greatly improve our vital connection to the Stillwater airport. These improvements will make OSU and Stillwater even more attractive to potential students and employees,” President Hargis said.
This phase included widening of Western Rd. to four lanes between Hall of Fame Ave. and McElroy Rd., and construction of a multi-use paved trail for bicycles and pedestrians. Western Rd. was also realigned to intersect with Hall of Fame Ave. and Farm Rd., a major entryway to the campus. The new intersection features new traffic signals, crosswalks and pedestrian bays for added safety.
“We’re thrilled to partner with the state, county and OSU to expand local economic development opportunities and strengthen thegrowing western portion of our city,” Mayor Noble said. “Inclusion of the multi-use trail for bicyclists and pedestrians on Western Rd. is a big step for improved safety and quality-of-life in Stillwater.”
The $4 million second phase, scheduled to begin in January 2017, will widen Western Rd. to four lanes from McElroy north to Lakeview Rd. The final phase, which is under design, will complete the corridor by widening Western Rd. to Airport Rd.
“It takes partnerships to make the transportation improvements our communities want and need,” Patterson said. “We applaud the City of Stillwater for recognizing the importance of quality infrastructure and developing a collaborative effort involving the Department of Transportation and Oklahoma State University.”
A separate $7.4 million ODOT project to replace two SH-51 (Sixth St.) bridges over Boomer Creek and add new left turn lanes on SH-51, replace the sidewalks and install new traffic signals at the intersection of SH-51 and US-177 in Stillwater is currently under construction through fall 2017.
Gov. Mary Fallin speaks at the dedication of the first phase of the Western Rd. widening and realignment in Stillwater Tuesday afternoon.
The new intersection of Western Rd. and Hall of Fame Ave. and Farm Rd. in Stillwater was dedicated Tuesday afternoon by Gov. Mary Fallin and state and local officials
(Editors and News Directors: For more information, call the City of Stillwater at 405-742-8219 or the ODOT Media & Public Relations Division at 405-521-6000.)