SH-85A bridge improvements in Delaware County to be discussed Jan. 26
SH-85A bridge improvements in Delaware County to be discussed Jan. 26
The Oklahoma Department of Transportation is hosting a public meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 26 in Bernice to discuss proposed improvements to the SH-85A bridge over Horse Creek in Delaware County. This is located three miles east of the SH-85 junction at the Grand Lake O’ the Cherokees.
The bridge is currently a two-lane bridge with no shoulders and is considered to be structurally deficient. Due to the location over the lake, ODOT will be working in conjunction with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Grand River Dam Authority to develop replacement plans.
Design alternatives will be presented at the meeting along with the environmental study requirements and possible construction sequencing. The project is currently scheduled to go to bid in FFY 2018.
Public Meeting for SH-85A bridge improvements in Delaware County
Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2016
6 p.m.
Bernice Community Center
211 S. Broadway, Bernice, OK 74331
Those who would like to attend this meeting but find it difficult due to disability, architectural barrier or other special needs may contact Frank Roesler III, Public Involvement Officer at 405-521-2350,
Following the meeting, the information will be posted on ODOT's website at:
(Editors and News Directors: For questions, please call the ODOT Media & Public Relations Division at 918-838-9933.)