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National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program

NEVI dedicates $5 Billion of Federal funds over the next 5 years.

NEVI provides Oklahoma more than $66 million in federal funding for EV charging infrastructure over the next five years. Federal funds must be matched with state, local and/or private funding.

The program has federal guidelines for how the funding must be used. ODOT is working closely with other state partners, including the Oklahoma Secretary of Energy and Environment (OSEE), and tribal governments and local stakeholders like the state's metropolitan planning organizations.

Metropolitan Planning Organizations and Regional Transportation Planning Organizations

Oklahoma must submit this plan annually to the U.S. Department of Transportation and U.S. Department of Energy for approval before the funding can be accessed.

Oklahoma's vision for this program is to enhance the existing EV charging network through partnerships with local stakeholders and the private sector, which will build, maintain and operate these stations.

Federal guidelines for Alternative Fuel Corridors require EV charging stations at least every 50 miles along designated alternative fuel corridors (AFC) and within one mile of the AFC. These stations must include capability to charge four vehicles simultaneously at a power level of 150 kW or higher, allowing for shorter charge times for customers. Expanding the network with new charging stations will allow EV drivers to confidently travel through all parts of Oklahoma.

Thanks to these efforts and private sector development, much of the interstate system and the Oklahoma City and Tulsa metro areas have EV charging infrastructure already in place. This additional federal funding will help us fill in the gaps and build out EV corridors in rural and underserved areas, such as Northwestern and Southeastern Oklahoma.

Oklahoma has successfully nominated several highway and turnpike corridors as Alternative Fuel Corridors. FHWA has designated alternative fuel corridors to support the installation of EV charging, hydrogen, propane, and natural gas fueling infrastructure at strategic locations along major national highways.

Last Modified on Jan 10, 2025
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