- The Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) will not own or install any of the charging stations but will enter public/private partnerships to build and maintain these charging stations with private businesses. Like gas stations, chargers will be privately owned and operated. Chargers and associated infrastructure will be installed and maintained by Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program (EVITP) certified electricians.
- Charging stations are required to be publicly accessible to the traveling public 24 hours per day and seven days per week. While no amenities are required to be provided, ODOT awards evaluation points to proposals that include and maximize amenities accessible on site or within safe walking proximity of project locations as part of their proposal.
- The Federal NEVI program requires Combined Charging System (CCS) chargers with at least 150kW capability. Other chargers can be built at the sites but only the CCS ports are currently NEVI approved. While ODOT is fully committed to serving the widest range of EV drivers today, and throughout the future as the EV market evolves, the agency chose not to require NACS ports as part of its 2023 NEVI procurement. ODOT included proposal evaluation criteria to consider NACS connectors as part of "Future Proofing" elements of NEVI funded charging station proposals, and as such, evaluated proposals more highly if they included NACS ports in their design.
- The NEVI Formula Program, funded by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), is a new $5 billion program that plans to make historic investments in EV charging infrastructure across the country. The goal of this program is to establish a network of 500,000 EV chargers by 2030 along federally designated alternative fuel corridors (AFC) in the United States and ensure a convenient, reliable, affordable, and equitable charging experience for all users. Oklahoma will receive $66.3 million in federal NEVI program funding over five years. This funding does not come from Oklahoma’s transportation budget and does not impact other state transportation programs. This network of EV charging corridors across the State will help to reduce ‘range anxiety’ and improve economic development, tourism, and the environment.
- The Federal NEVI program requires that charging stations with at least 4x150kW+ CCS ports be installed within 50 miles of each other along the federally designated EV alternative fuel corridors. After those corridors are certified as “Fully Built Out” by FHWA, ODOT is able to use the remaining federal funds to install charging infrastructure elsewhere in the state, including state highways and local roads.
- The National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program, funded by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), is a new $5 billion program that plans to make historic investments in electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure across the country. The goal of this program is to establish a network of 500,000 EV chargers by 2030 along federally designated alternative fuel corridors (AFC) in the United States and ensure a convenient, reliable, affordable and equitable charging experience for all users. To achieve this national goal, each state is required to develop an EV Infrastructure Deployment Plan (Plan) that describes how NEVI Formula Program funds will be used in conformity with guidance from the Joint office of Energy and Transportation (Joint Office) (https://driveelectric.gov/).
- Oklahoma’s NEVI Plan (https://oklahoma.gov/evok.html) will guide Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) and Oklahoma Secretary of Energy and Environment (OSEE) over the next five years, as they receive and distribute NEVI funds across the state, and work toward fulfilling their responsibility in building a national EV charging network. This network will include EV charging corridors across the State that improve economic development, tourism, and the environment.
- ODOT envisions a comprehensive strategy that ensures EV travel across the State through equitable and accessible placement of EV chargers throughout Oklahoma’s roadway network. A fully compliant and accessible network of EV chargers will reduce ‘range anxiety,’ by ensuring that chargers are conveniently located in a safe environment and available at any time.
- The Oklahoma NEVI Plan began in April 2022 and led by the ODOT and OSEE, in coordination with state agencies, local Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), Regional Transportation Planning Organizations (RTPOs), Clean Cities Coalitions, utilities and public stakeholders and committees per FHWA’s recommended stakeholder groups from their 90-day guidance. 1 The Plan presented represents ODOT and OSEE’s commitment to increasing access to EV charging infrastructure across the state.
- Oklahoma will receive $66.3 million in NEVI program funding over five years beginning with $9.8 million in 2022. In years one and two, ODOT will prioritize building out NEVI compliant interstate corridors and begin electric vehicle alternative fuel corridor build outs. In years three and four, ODOT will continue work on U.S. and state corridors, and begin dispersing remaining funds on a discretionary basis. In year five, ODOT will focus all remaining funding to address other non-alternative fuel corridors per NEVI program guidance if remaining funds are available.
- ODOT will not own or install any of the charging stations but will enter public/private partnerships to build and maintain these charging stations with private businesses. Like gas stations, chargers will be privately owned and operated. Chargers and associated infrastructure will be installed and maintained by EV-Certified electricians.
- Each charging station site is required to contain at least four 150 kW CCS fast chargers totaling a minimum of 600 kW of power per site. Each site will be privately owned and maintained; however, ODOT will have the tools to monitor the systems to ensure operability. Federal guidance prohibits using the NEVI funds on proprietary equipment (i.e., Tesla), however, federal guidance is being developed that could include additional charger types or adapters to support other vehicles as part of this program.
- NEVI guidance states that EV charging infrastructure should be conveniently and safely located as close to Interstate Highway System and highway corridors as possible and in general no greater than 1 mile from interstate exits or highway intersections along designated corridors.
- New EV charging infrastructure locations should be spaced a maximum distance of 50 miles apart along designated corridors (conforming to NEVI Formula Program minimum standards and requirements) unless a discretionary exception has been granted.
- Once the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation certifies that all Alternative Fuel Corridors (AFCs) for electric vehicles in Oklahoma are fully built out, funds can then be used on EV charging infrastructure on any public road or in other publicly accessible locations that are open to the public. These locations could include regional and local routes of significance, equity based-destination charging and freight charging locations which could include public parking facilities, parking at public buildings, public transportation stations, Park-and-Rides, public schools, public parks, private parking facilities available for public use, and visitor centers and other public locations on Federal Lands.
- The chargers will be available to the traveling public, 24 hours per day and 7 days per week at publicly accessible locations.
- Wait times to use a charger will vary widely from low-demand sites (i.e., no wait time because chargers are open and not being utilized) to high-demand sites where there may be lines of cars waiting each to charge for around 20-30 minutes. According to industry standards, when using 150kW chargers, drivers can typically charge electric vehicles up to 80% battery capacity in under 30 minutes or less. Charge times can vary based on the size of the battery, the level of depletion, and the actual vehicle software that can govern how much energy the car can take.
- ODOT is working to create a competitive procurement program that will request applications from interested EVSE (electric vehicle supply equipment) companies, site hosts and private parties who ODOT will ultimately select and award NEVI Formula program funding to install, own, and operate EVSE charging stations in compliance with all federal and state laws and agency rules. ODOT will consider covering 80% of initial project costs through federal allocation but will require a minimum 20% funding match from vendors or site hosts. This program will require coordination between EVSE vendors and local property owners, ensuring contractors engage communities where NEVI funded EV charging stations will ultimately be installed, operated, and maintained.
- ODOT will follow state and federal laws related to Title 23, including diversity equity and inclusion related to labor, fair wage laws, and civil rights. ODOT has established goals around Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) participation in contracts and in public meetings. In addition, ODOT completed a 2021 Disparity Study for its DBE program for federal aid contracts, which will provide a guide for ODOT during NEVI program contracting and procurement.
- Once the Plan is approved by the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation, ODOT will finalize their NEVI Procurement and Contracting Strategies and then publicly seek out requests for proposals.
- There is $2.5 billion in federal competitive grant opportunities to apply for electric vehicle infrastructure over the next five years. $1.25 billion of those grants are going to community charging infrastructure.
- E-Bikes are not eligible for NEVI funding as federal guidance currently defines charging port standards solely for passenger cars / commercial trucks, not e-bikes which take different ports.
- Please visit the project website at https://oklahoma.gov/evok.html. Please contact the project team at EVOK@ODOT.ORG or (405)534-0739 with questions/comments or for additional information.
Last Modified on
Jan 10, 2025