My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness. So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.
Danny Long
Team Coordinator
- 22 Years Oklahoma Highway Patrol
- 8 Years U.S. Marshals Fugitive Task Force
- OHP Tactical Team Leader
- Triple Canopy U.S. Dept. of State- High Threat Protection Detail (Baghdad, Iraq)
- Former EMT and Fire Fighter I (OSU)
- PEER Leader Course (Group and Individual)
- PEER Team Leader Course Academy Hour
- Post Critical Incident PEER member ERAP
- National PEER for Concerns of Police Survivors
After dedicating my life to my career, I found myself divorced and isolated from my kids and family. I was drinking myself to sleep every night, only to wake up hating myself more and more. I had been through multiple gunfights, a Helicopter crash, and multiple
injuries, which finally led to hitting rock bottom. After years of telling myself I can “fix this”, I finally broke.
I picked up a rifle and walked to the back of my farm with the intention of killing myself. After struggling for hours and putting the rifle in my mouth, I cried out to God asking him for help. I told him I would submit my life to him if he wanted to use me. Oklahoma First Responder Wellness Division was born that day…
Just 5 years ago, I would have never admitted my weaknesses to anyone, much less strangers but God told me to do just that.