A victim is a person a criminal offense has been committed against. If a person is killed or debilitated, that person’s spouse, parent, child or other lawful representative.

Victim Services
Phone: 405-425-2607
Email: victim.services@doc.ok.gov
Apology Bank
Victim/Offender Dialogue
The most effective way to be notified is to sign up for VINE. More information can be found here.
The Oklahoma DOC Victim Services serves as the point of contact for victims of crime by providing information and resources to inquiries related to inmates during their time in the DOC system. The Oklahoma DOC can also help victims find helpful resources and support groups in an immediate area.
It is not unusual for the Oklahoma DOC to move inmates to different facilities. Several reasons are, but not limited to: inmate custody level, program needs, security, disciplinary issues or bed management.
Inmates cannot make contact with individuals they have victimized. However, there is an offender apology bank, where an inmate can write a letter to a victim and the victim will be notified they have a letter from the inmate in their case. It is up to the individual whether or not they choose to read the letter.
If you are being harassed, threatened, or are receiving unwanted communication of any kind from an offender in a DOC facility or under the supervision of DOC in the community, please contact the Victim Services Unit at (405) 425-2607. Our staff will assist you in getting the unwanted behavior stopped and assist you with necessary safety measures.
The length of the offender's sentence determines the eligibility for parole hearings. Therefore, the shorter the sentence the sooner the offender will have a parole hearing.
No. The offender will either have another parole hearing scheduled or the offender will be set for a future release date. A parole hearing does not imply release is imminent.
The above information about the offender is confidential by law.
Once the offender has been sentenced to the Department of Corrections, the male offender is sent to the reception/intake center at the Lexington Assessment and Reception Center (LARC) and female offenders are sent to reception/intake at the Mabel Bassett Correctional Center. He or she is assigned a DOC number, fingerprinted, photographed and given medical and dental examinations.
During the initial evaluation, staff determine and assign a security level for each offender. The security level determination is a systematic process based upon factors such as the offender’s characteristics, history and needs, criminal history, outstanding detainers and warrants, age, education and recent employment history. Background factors, such as previous terms of incarceration, prior escapes and past disciplinary problems, also effect the security assignment. As a result of the security level assessment, the offender is placed in the appropriate custody level, with appropriate supervision requirements and programming recommendations.
This process results in the assignment of the offender to a correctional institution. The offender’s security placement can change during his or her incarceration because of the length of time served, disciplinary behavior, programming and treatment progress and time of release.
Victims will still contact the Oklahoma Department of Corrections at victim.services@doc.ok.gov or 405-425-2607.
Phone: (405) 425-2607
Fax: (405) 425-2578
The Apology Bank was created to allow inmates serving time in the Oklahoma DOC to reach out to those they have harmed and apologize for the crime they have committed. Inmates sometimes choose to write a letter of apology to the victim(s) and/or survivor(s) of their crime. Inmates are not permitted contact with victims according to DOC policy, so they are instructed to send those letters to Community Outreach. All apology letters are screened by the Victim Services Coordinator to prevent any possibility of re-victimization. Community Outreach holds appropriate letters in an Apology Letter Bank. Apology letters are not shared with victims unless personally and specifically requested - we will only provide them on a victim-request basis.
If you are a victim and choose to read your letter, please contact us at (405) 425-2607 or at victim.services@doc.ok.gov.
- Last Names A through M
- Last Names N through Z
Inmate name | doc number |
Austin, Baron | 522158 |
Barham, D'Angelo | 679297 |
Barry, Antonio | 216082 |
Berry, Rico |
594526 |
Brigance, Donielle | 2015589 |
Burger, Derek | 186931 |
Burnett, Russ | 498933 |
Burrell, Juan A. | 431960 |
Campbell, James | 252103 |
Cassel, Christopher | 670648 |
Cipriano, Michael | 374974 |
Cooper, Earl | 86017 |
Davis, Charles | 147462 |
Davis, Ozsie | 661909 |
Dial, Billy | 141255 |
Demoss, Mark | 164520 |
Earl, Jennifer |
279917 |
Elizalde, Alejandro Xico | 630583 |
Elliott, Darrin | 400101 |
Estes, Spencer | 648570 |
Ewalt, Richard | 259137 |
Fisher, John | 208506 |
Fleenor, David | 241218 |
Funkhouser, Kenneth | 91752 |
Gibson, Michael | 78808 |
Gobert, Davis | 446391 |
Grider, Kyle | 508200 |
Griffith, Timothy | 520795 |
Grizzle, Daniel | 467431 |
Guerad, Salina |
822123 |
Hall, Richard | 152148 |
Hancock, Kyle D. | 656144 |
Harnsberry, Mark | 119649 |
Hester, Troy | 222990 |
Hinsley, Vergil | 238058 |
Horn, Rodney | 247383 |
Houser, Katherine | 748225 |
Jackson, Dalen | 413742 |
Jameson, Larry | 204492 |
Johnston, Todd | 241749 |
Jones, Sunny | 792297 |
Kelso, Terry | 146823 |
King, Carey | 683440 |
Koonce, Ronald | 76423 |
Kusek, Nathon L. | 522074 |
Lee, Franklin | 200764 |
Lindren, Glen | 166078 |
Livingston, William | 607598 |
Martin, Sherry | 792982 |
Martinez, Ralph | 245086 |
Masters, Rodney | 128463 |
McGuffey Jr., Warren | 542055 |
Montgomery, Adonis | 632465 |
Montgomery, James | 374421 |
Murrell, Robert | 116557 |
Murray, Mark | 598523 |
inmate name |
doc number |
Nelson, Christopher | 247476 |
Orr, Ricky | 145614 |
Osborn, Alexis | 277469 |
Pigeon, Kevin | 591222 |
Quillen, Courtney | 789003 |
Raven, Tommy | 161244 |
Ray, Joshua David | 677830 |
Riddle, Evan |
702022 |
Rodgers, Jimmie | 396268 |
Rowland, John | 255658 |
Rueb, Nancy | 591242 |
Scott, Courtney | 196205 |
Scott, Gene |
192924 |
Sinclair, Luke | 467839 |
Slaton, David | 239168 |
Smart, Jimmy | 625039 |
Steeves, Matthew | 680594 |
Stohler, Jim | 142710 |
Strickland, Billy | 143467 |
Sweezy, Anthony | 210987 |
Sylestine, Devin | 726151 |
Tallbear, Mitchell |
549518 |
Thomas, Carlos | 236319 |
Thomas, Jerry | 85779 |
Thomas, Nor | 247012 |
Tibbs, London | 533552 |
Tuck, Jessie | 606392 |
Tucker, Danny | 434014 |
Turner, Danny | 205606 |
Turner, Robert | 176987 |
Vowell, Kendall | 102332 |
Vue, Ong | 264881 |
Walker, Bruce | 95529 |
Watts, Randy | 128542 |
Wenthold, Kimberley |
711636 |
Wheeler, Whitney |
740161 |
White, James | 112883 |
Wiscombe, Laura | 492949 |
Wilder, Christopher | 249545 |
Woods, Ronald | 229309 |
Woodward, Edwin | 233398 |
Yelvington, Phillip Austin | 557573 |
Young, David | 449251 |
A guided process that allows the victim of a crime (or community advocate) and the inmate to meet to discuss the impact the inmate's crime has had on the victim. It also allows the victim to explore healing options that will give the inmate the opportunity to take responsibility for their actions. This process may help restore the victim and allow the inmate to give back to the community.
Phone: (405) 425-2607
Fax: (405) 425-2578
Oklahoma Attorney General's Office
Capital Cases Victim Services 405-522-4397
Domestic Violence Victim Services 405-522-0146
VINE 405-522-2294
VINE 1-877-654-8463
Oklahoma City Police Department Victim Services Program
701 Colcord Drive
Oklahoma City, OK 73102
Phone: (405) 297-3422
Oklahoma Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
Phone: (405) 524-0700
Oklahoma City YWCA Crisis Center Main
Phone: (405) 948-1770
Crisis Line: (405) 947-4506
Pardon and Parole Board
Phone: (405) 602-5863
Oklahoma Safeline
District Attorneys Council
Oklahoma 2-1-1
Help Starts Here
National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA)
Phone: (202) 232-6682
National Center for Victims of Crime
Phone: (800) 394-2255

Pursuant to 21 O.S. 142A-2, As a victim of crime, you have the following rights:
1. To be notified that a court proceeding to which a victim or witness has been subpoenaed will or will not go on as scheduled, in order to save the person an unnecessary trip to court;
2. To receive protection from harm and threats of harm arising out of the cooperation of the person with law enforcement and prosecution efforts, and to be provided with information as to the level of protection available and how to access protection;
3. To be informed of financial assistance and other social services available as a result of being a witness or a victim, including information on how to apply for the assistance and services;
4. To be informed of the procedure to be followed in order to apply for and receive any witness fee to which the victim or witness is entitled;
5. To be informed of the procedure to be followed in order to apply for and receive any restitution to which the victim is entitled;
6. To be provided, whenever possible, a secure waiting area during court proceedings that does not require close proximity to defendants and families and friends of defendants;
7. To have any stolen or other personal property expeditiously returned by law enforcement agencies when no longer needed as evidence. If feasible, all such property, except weapons, currency, contraband, property subject to evidentiary analysis and property the ownership of which is disputed, shall be returned to the person;
8. To be provided with appropriate employer intercession services to ensure that employers of victims and witnesses will cooperate with the criminal justice process in order to minimize the loss of pay and other benefits of the employee resulting from court appearances;
9. To have the family members of all homicide victims afforded all of the services under this section, whether or not the person is to be a witness in any criminal proceedings;
10. To be informed of any plea bargain negotiations;
11. To have victim impact statements filed with the judgment and sentence;
12. To be informed if a sentence is overturned, remanded for a new trial or otherwise modified by the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals;
13. To be informed in writing of all statutory rights;
14. To be informed that when any family member is required to be a witness by a subpoena from the defense, there must be a showing that the witness can provide relevant testimony as to the guilt or innocence of the defendant before the witness may be excluded from the proceeding by invoking the rule to remove potential witnesses;
15. To be informed that the Oklahoma Constitution allows upon the recommendation of the Pardon and Parole Board and the approval of the Governor the commutation of any sentence, including a sentence of life without parole;
16. To receive written notification of how to access victim rights information from the interviewing officer or investigating detective; and
17. To a speedy disposition of the charges free from unwarranted delay caused by or at the behest of the defendant or minor. In determining a date for any criminal trial or other important criminal or juvenile justice hearing, the court shall consider the interests of the victim of a crime to a speedy resolution of the charges under the same standards that govern the right to a speedy trial for a defendant or a minor. In ruling on any motion presented on behalf of a defendant or minor to continue a previously established trial or other important criminal or juvenile justice hearing, the court shall inquire into the circumstances requiring the delay and consider the interests of the victim of a crime to a speedy resolution of the case. If a continuance is granted, the court shall enter into the record the specific reason for the continuance and the procedures that have been taken to avoid further delays.