Number |
effective date |
last review date |
title |
OP-050101 |
10/01/2024 |
05/2024 |
Procedures in the Event of Job Actions or Walkouts by Correctional Staff |
OP-050102 |
05/27/2022 |
01/2022 |
Departmental and Facility Emergency Plans for Riots, Disturbances, Utility Failures and Major Disasters for State Operated Facilities |
OP-050103 |
01/21/2022 |
09/2021 |
Escape Notification Procedures |
OP-050105 (not web accessible) |
12/01/2023 |
08/2022 |
Bomb Threats and Explosions |
OP-050108 |
03/28/2022 |
Revision-01 Change on page 24 |
OP-050108 |
10/28/2021 |
02/2021 |
Use of Force Standards and Reportable Incidents |
OP-050109 |
03/29/2022 |
12/2021 |
Reporting of Incidents |
OP-050110 (not web accessible) |
10/29/2024 |
05/2024 |
Radio Communications |
OP-050111 |
08/20/2024 |
05/2024 |
State Emergency Operations |
OP-050112 |
10/01/2024 |
06/2024 |
Procedures in the Event of a Protest |
OP-050201 |
10/29/2024 |
06/2024 |
RAVE Communications System |
OP-050401 |
06/2024 |
Crisis Situations |
OP-050402 |
07/16/2024 |
04/2024 |
Active Shooter |
OP-050601 (not web accessible) |
05/2024 |
Unmanned Vehicles |
OP-051001 (not web accessible) |
10/25/2021 |
Correctional Emergency Response Team (CERT) |
OP-052001 |
07/16/2024 |
05/2024 |
Emergency Procedures for Private Prisons |
OP-053001 |
01/18/2022 |
09/2021 |
Community Corrections Emergency Plans for Riots, Disturbances, Utility Failures, and Major Disasters |