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August 2023

Good afternoon,

If I haven't met you yet, I want to quickly introduce myself. My name is Caden Cleveland; I am the new director of Public Affairs and Grants Management at the Office of Management and Enterprise Services. The last two months have been a whirlwind, but we have a lot going on that I'm really excited to share with you.

This newsletter is designed to standardize monthly communication from the OMES Grants Management Office to you, and includes the latest information, guidance and helpful tips for agency grant teams. This is just one of several adjustments you'll see coming from GMO over the next several months, including continual updates to our new subrecipient support page on the website.

Additionally, I would like to build this newsletter as a way of telling our story. You'll notice each edition will include an agency spotlight for projects utilizing ARPA funds with the goal of expressing our gratitude and appreciation for the work you're doing. Further, you'll start seeing more press releases from OMES to highlight the progress we are making on ARPA projects together.

Thank you for your partnership as we share the same goal: utilizing ARPA funds in the most efficient and responsible manner to impact Oklahomans.

If you ever have any questions, please contact me or my team for assistance.


Caden Cleveland
Director of Public Affairs and Grants Management,
Office of Management and Services

Grants Management metrics

  • $82.9 million distributed in August.
  • $380.3 million, or 20.3%, of total funds distributed.
  • Ten projects expected to complete over the next 90 days.
  • $43.8 million expected to be spent over the next 90 days.

GMO guidance updates

Latest federal guidance:

The final rule for the SLFRF program went into effect on April 1, 2022. In August 2023, Treasury released an interim final rule that addresses the new eligible uses added to the SLFRF program by the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2023. Existing eligible uses discussed in the 2022 final rule remain unchanged, and recipients may continue to use SLFRF funds in alignment with the 2022 final rule.

Additional guidance:

Remember to check out GMO's current templates (located near the bottom of the page) and guidance available on the Subrecipient Support webpage.

Additionally, if you would like GMO to consider drafting guidance for your agency on any ARPA-SLFRF-related questions or to submit a question to the U.S. Department of the Treasury on your behalf, please complete this online form.

Helpful tip

Are you collecting UEI numbers for subrecipients?

Before receiving a disbursement of SLFRF funds, be sure you have an active UEI number on file for subrecipients, secondary subrecipients and contractors.

Review the UEI Requirements guidance for more information.

Press releases and articles

Know of any positive ARPA stories? Let us know so we can feature them on the ARPA website!

Available training

Grants Management Body of Knowledge (GMBoK) Training
Sept. 12-13 | 9 a.m.-4 p.m. CT

Common Single Audit Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them
Sept. 27 | Noon-1 p.m. CT

If you know of any other training opportunities, please share them with us!

Subrecipient recognition

Shout out to our partners at the Health Care Workforce Training Commission for their work on combatting Oklahoma's nursing shortage. The Legislature has allocated $80.3 million to this dedicated effort of the Nursing Workforce Expansion program.

Many thanks to the HWTC grants team for their communication and efficiency on these projects.

Last Modified on Aug 28, 2024