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Welcome to OKDHS

Butterfly flying in the sky with clouds in the background and Welcome to OKDHS homepage text to the left.

Apply for benefits

SNAP, Child Care, TANF or other benefits

Check on my case or status

Approve or renew your case or status

Talk to someone

Reach out. We want to help.

Looking for something else?


Report Abuse

If this is an emergency, please call 911.

Child Abuse

If you believe a child is being abused or neglected, you have a legal responsibility to report it. Call the Abuse and Neglect Hotline at 1-800-522-3511.

Adult Abuse

If you suspect that a vulnerable adult is the victim of abuse, neglect, or exploitation, please submit an online report at

Announcements from OKDHS

Want to see all the latest news and updates from OKDHS?

OKDHS is for Oklahomans

OKDHS helps over 1.5 million Oklahomans each year across a wide range of services and needs including child care, food and housing assistance, reporting abuse, disabilities services, and hospice and caretaker needs among others.

We believe that Oklahomans help each other. It's in our nature. OKDHS exists to make sure that when a person falls on hard times, they have a place to turn. Where we do not offer a program or assitance for a specific situation, we are committed to connecting the person in need with an organization that can help.

Be A Neighbor Network

Be a Neighbor is a new resource from OKDHS that connects Oklahomans in need with local non-profits that can help. Through the Be A Neighbor portal, you can search specific need (food, child care, etc) and find organizations in your local community that you can reach out to directly for support.

Oklahomans can find local non-profits that help their specific needs.

Non-profit organizations become more visible to people in their local communities

Volunteers find impactful work, close to home