OETA to Broadcast, Provide Live Pool Feed of Governor Kevin Stitt's 2022 State of the State Address on Monday, Feb. 7
The Oklahoma Educational Television Authority (OETA) will provide all broadcast television media with a live video pool feed of Governor Kevin Stitt’s 2022 State of the State address on Monday, Feb. 7.
A clean feed of the program will be available from OETA’s Oklahoma City and Tulsa studios, or may be taken off-air statewide from OETA. NOTE: The off-air feed will be a program feed, not a clean feed.
The live broadcast from the Oklahoma House of Representatives chamber will begin at approximately 12:30 p.m. and conclude at approximately 1:30 p.m. The governor is expected to begin his address at about 12:45 p.m.
OETA is pleased to be able to provide this service again this year and will work with broadcasters to ensure they are able to receive the broadcast signal of this event. For technical questions about the pool feed in Oklahoma City, please contact Shawn Bailey at (405) 841-9295 or at sbailey@oeta.tv. For technical questions about the pool feed in Tulsa, please contact Jim Mertins at (918) 561-1707 or at jmertins@oeta.tv. For production questions about the pool feed, contact Jeff Morava at jmorava@oeta.tv or at (405) 841-9233.
Additional media logistics will be forthcoming this afternoon from the Oklahoma House of Representatives.