Governor Stitt Issues EO to Protect Teachers’ First Amendment Rights and Stand Up to Teacher Unions
Today, Governor Kevin Stitt issued Executive Order 2022-18 to protect Oklahoma’s teachers’ and school district employees’ First Amendment rights by fighting back against liberal teachers’ unions. With the executive order, Oklahoma educators will be assured of the freedom to decide whether or not to participate in unions, rather than allowing union bosses to intimidate teachers into handing over part of their salaries.
“It is time we fight back against the liberal unions that have been keeping a stranglehold on their cut of teacher pay, and stand up for Oklahoma educators’ first amendment rights,” said Governor Stitt. “Teachers should know they have the freedom to opt-in not opt-out of unions”
The EO urges the State Board of Education to take action to ensure that payroll deductions meet the requirements of state and federal law and that school district employees are fully informed of their First Amendment rights.
“This is another step in the right direction to focus our classrooms on parents, teachers and kids,” said Secretary of Education Ryan Walters. “We are cutting the liberal union chains off of our teachers.”
The Executive Order’s filing can be found here.