Governor Stitt Appoints Ken McQueen to Secretary of Energy and Environment

Governor Kevin Stitt announced the appointment of Ken McQueen to serve as Oklahoma’s Secretary of Energy and Environment following the resignation of Ken Wagner effective September 3,, 2022.
“Ken McQueen’s forty years of experience in energy and environmental policies make him an invaluable asset to our administration,” said Governor Stitt. “I am excited to work with Ken to continue the great progress we’ve made to make Oklahoma a national leader in energy innovation.”
McQueen is an energy, environment, and natural resource professional in the southwest US with 40 years’ experience in government, industry, and academia. He’s held significant governmental and regulatory roles post-industry; most recently serving as US EPA Region 6 Administrator in Dallas and US EPA National Energy Policy Advisor, being the first and only native-born Oklahoman to serve as a regional administrator at EPA.
“I’m delighted for the opportunity to return to my home state and actively participate in the advancement of Oklahoma’s energy and environmental resources,” said McQueen.
Prior to federal service, McQueen was New Mexico’s Cabinet Secretary for Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources and led New Mexico’s energy efforts to become the third largest crude oil producer in the US.
Former Secretary of Energy and Environment Ken Wagner joined in support, adding: “Ken McQueen is the perfect choice for Governor Stitt’s pick as Secretary of Energy & Environment. His experience as a former state secretary in New Mexico, his time at EPA, and his experience as an energy executive make him incredibly qualified to lead our great state agencies and continue to move Oklahoma forward as a leader in both energy and the environment. I am proud to call him my friend.”
McQueen received his Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Tulsa, where he continues his involvement on their Industry Advisory Board. He also served as a petroleum engineering adjunct professor at the university and guest lecturer at other colleges and universities. He was inducted into the TU College of Engineering Hall of Fame in 2018.
Governor Stitt’s appointment of McQueen can be found here.