Governor Stitt Celebrates Nine New Pro-Life Laws With Ceremonial Bill Signing
Governor Kevin Stitt, Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser, and lawmakers held a ceremonial bill signing today to celebrate the nine new pro-life bills he signed into law during the 2021 session.
“I promised Oklahomans I would sign every piece of pro-life legislation that came across my desk and I am proud to keep that promise,” said Governor Stitt. “As a father of six, it’s an honor to be the most pro-life governor in the country and I will always step up to protect the lives of unborn children.”
The new pro-life legislation includes:
- SB 918 restores Oklahoma’s prohibition on abortion if Roe v Wade is overturned. Effective November 1, 2021, SB918 was authored by Senate Pro Tem Greg Treat (R-Oklahoma City) and Rep. Jon Echols (R-Oklahoma City).
- HB 1102 adds the performance of an abortion under state statutes for “unprofessional conduct,” with exceptions for the life or significant physical impairment of the mother. Effective November 1, 2021, HB 1102 was authored by Rep. Jim Olsen (R-Roland) and Sen. Julie Daniels (R-Bartlesville).
- HB 1904 requires abortionists to be board certified in obstetrics and gynecology. Effective November 1, 2021, HB 1904 was authored by Rep. Cynthia Roe (R-Lindsay) and Sen. Jessica Garvin (R-Duncan).
- HB 2441 prohibits abortion once a fetal heartbeat is detected. Effective November 1, 2021, HB 2441 was authored by Rep. Todd Russ (R-Cordell) and Sen. Julie Daniels (R-Bartlesville).
- SB 778 and SB 779 provide safeguards surrounding the use of abortion-inducing drugs. Effective November 1, 2021, SB 778 & SB 779 were authored by Sen. Julie Daniels (R-Bartlesville) and Rep. Mark Lepak (R-Claremore).
- SB 960 protects relinquished children by extending the time frame they can be relinquished to rescuers from 7-30 days. It also, directs the Oklahoma State Department of Health to award grants for the child to be placed into a “Baby Box” where the newborn can be relinquished. Effective July 1, 2021, SB960 was authored by Sen. President Pro Tem Greg Treat (R-Oklahoma City) and Speaker of the House Rep. Charles McCall (R-Atoke).
- SB 647 created Lily’s Law. Lily’s Law requires birthing centers and other medical facilities to keep a written policy to allow for the family to direct the disposition of the remains of the child who was stillborn or miscarried. Effective November 1, 2021, SB 647 was authored by Sen. Adam Pugh (R-Edmond) and Rep. Merilyn Stark (R-Bethany).
- SB 584 prohibits fetal trafficking. Effective July 1, 2021, SB 584 was authored by Sen. Nathan Dahm (R-Broken Arrow) and Rep. Jim Olsen (R-Roland).
“Governor Stitt has kept his promise to sign every piece of pro-life legislation that reaches his desk. He is at the forefront of nationwide momentum to challenge the status quo and modernize our extreme abortion laws. Across the nation, pro-life governors are taking bold action to ensure that state laws reflect the will of their constituents and the clear science showing humanity of unborn children. As radical Democrats in Washington push abortion on demand through birth, paid for by taxpayers, and seek to expand dangerous abortion drugs, strong pro-life leaders in statehouses are critically important – and they are stepping up like never before. Life is winning in Oklahoma and Across America. I’m proud to stand with Governor Stitt at this historic moment and thank him for his leadership on behalf of pro-life Americans.” – Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser
“Oklahomans For Life’s top priority this session was enactment of the nation’s most protective legislation for controlling chemical abortions – the abortion industry’s most lethal weapon against the unborn child. Sen. Julie Daniels and Rep. Mark Lepak were heroic in overcoming every obstacle in the path of SB 778 and SB 779 and successfully passing these groundbreaking bills into law.” – Oklahomans for Life Chairman Tony Lauinger
“All life is precious and a gift from God. The pro-life measures we passed this year seek to ensure each life is protected at every single stage in Oklahoma. My life and my public service will continue to be dedicated to making sure that we recognize the dignity of every human being. Thank you to my colleagues who shepherded these important bills through the process and to the Governor for standing strong for life.” – Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Treat (R-Oklahoma City)
“The Oklahoma House will continue passing strong pro-life legislation for as long as it is necessary to protect the unborn in this country. Securing life who cannot secure it themselves is a solemn duty expected by Oklahomans of the conservatives they have elected. We take that duty seriously and uphold it at every turn.” – Speaker of the House Rep. Charles McCall (R-Atoka)
“I’m grateful to the governor and the majority of my fellow legislators for helping to ensure that the day Roe v. Wade is overturned by the Supreme Court, Oklahoma statutes regulating abortions likewise will be reversed. This will end the practice of abortion in our state and protect our precious, innocent children.” – House Majority Floor Leader Rep. Jon Echols (R-Oklahoma City)
“There is no issue more critical in our time than the defense of the lives of innocent unborn babies. The greatest crime of our nation has been the murder of 60 million unborn babies. House bill 1102 takes the approach of removing the license of any physician who performs an abortion. We thank the Lord for the team of people that worked together to help make this happen, and the multitudes who have prayed for years about this. We also thank the Lord for answered prayer. To God be the glory!” – Representative Jim Olsen (R-Roland)
“This was a tremendously successful legislative session for Oklahoma families and the precious unborn. I was proud to author Lily’s Law to help families, regardless in which stage their loss occurs, be able to properly honor and grieve their child as they choose.” – Senator Adam Pugh (R-Edmond)
“I consider all lives to be sacred, no matter the age. However, I am honored to be able to stand up for the lives that cannot advocate for themselves. It has been a privilege to work with faith leaders from around the state on HB2441 the “Heartbeat Bill”, which protects the life of the unborn, by making it clear, that a heartbeat is the indicator of life, and we are called to protect life, no matter what.” – Representative Todd Russ (R-Cordell)
“It is a particular honor to join my colleagues in passing legislation to protect the lives of our unborn children. It’s the most important work I do as a legislator.” – Senator Julie Daniels (R-Bartlesville)
“It was an honor to work together with my fellow legislators to pass House Bill 1904 to require that abortion providers be board-certified obstetricians and gynecologists. I firmly believe in the right to life for all people, and I firmly believe that House Bill 1904 will work concurrently with the other groundbreaking pro-life legislation we have passed this year to reduce the number of abortions performed in the state of Oklahoma.” – Representative Cynthia Roe (R-Lindsay)
“I’m proud of Senate and House conservatives continuing to fight for Oklahoma’s children and the unborn. We have a moral duty to fight for those without a voice, and it was an honor to serve as the Senate author for House Bill 1904. Until abortion is completely outlawed, this new law will limit which doctors can perform these procedures—decreasing the number of abortions performed, while better protecting the health of mothers who choose this path. Our fight is far from over, but any legislation that helps save just one life is a tremendous victory.” – Senator Jessica Garvin (R-Duncan)
“I’m thankful to stand with all those fighting for the lives of the unborn, especially the most pro-life Governor we’ve ever had.” – Senator Nathan Dahm (R-Broken Arrow)
“Every life deserves to be treated with respect. Honored to not only contribute to that through Lily’s Law but through every pro-life bill passed this session. God values life and so do I.” – Rep. Merilyn Stark (R-Bethany)