Governor Stitt Requests Additional Federal Winter Storm Aid for Oklahomans
Governor Kevin Stitt announced today he has asked the White House for additional federal aid for all 77 Oklahoma counties related to this month’s historic winter storm. The request seeks aid for homeowners, renters, business owners and government entities impacted by the winter storm from Feb. 8-20.
If approved, the designation would deliver relief for Oklahomans who have had storm-related damage to their homes or businesses through FEMA’s Individual Assistance program as well as additional support for cities, counties, and tribes with infrastructure damages and eligible response costs through FEMA’s Public Assistance program.
“This request continues my effort to turn over every rock and do everything we can to help Oklahomans recover from this historic storm,” said Gov. Stitt. “I appreciate President Biden’s initial actions and urge him to act quickly to approve this request as well.”
Homeowners, renters and business owners are asked to continue reporting their property damages or other significant winter storm-related impacts online at Doing so helps support the case for further assistance to help Oklahomans recover.
“The severe winter storms caused widespread damage and cost local communities millions of dollars,” said Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security Director Mark Gower. “This major disaster declaration will help Oklahoma families and allow local and state governments to seek help with eligible infrastructure repair costs.”
Gov. Stitt declared a state of emergency in Oklahoma on February 12. He later requested and the White House approved a federal emergency declaration that authorized direct federal assistance and reimbursement limited to emergency protective measures for mass care and sheltering for state, local, and tribal agencies at 75% federal funding.
The State of Oklahoma continues to work with the federal government to identify federal assistance that may be available to aid residents with increases in utility costs due to the winter storm.