- The GPS program allows offenders to return to their respective communities to begin the reintegration process.
- Reduce prison overcrowding with a cost-effective reentry program targeting non-violent inmates.
- Family reunification.
- Allow offenders the opportunity to obtain employment in their local communities and become taxpaying citizens.
- With the assistance of supervision officers, offenders participate in community-based treatment and support programs.
- Provide an alternative to incarceration for non-violent offender that does not compromise community safety.

Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) Program
Phone: 405-425-2116
Fax: 405-425-2675
The Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) Program allows eligible and approved non-violent inmates to be placed in a supervised reintegration program. Inmates are subject to monitoring utilizing global positioning satellite monitoring technology and are supervised by probation and parole officers. Participating in the GPS program allows inmates to return to their respective communities to begin the reintegration process. They are able to reunite with their families, obtain employment in their local communities, become a tax-paying citizen and with the assistance of supervision officers, participate in community-based treatment and support programs. The GPS monitoring technology is a cost-effective alternative to incarceration without compromising community safety.