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Digital Mail

Frequently Asked Questions

Digital mail is your original postal mail that is scanned and delivered straight to the inmate’s Securus account. The mail can be viewed on the inmate's tablet or at a kiosk. Community tablets will be provided for inmates without access to a tablet or kiosk, or staff will print the letters for free.

*Digital mail service is for state-run facilities only. Lawton Correctional Facility is not included.

  • When general mail comes into the digital processing center, it is processed and scanned to digitize it.
  • Once digitized, general mail is sent to the agency portal, where the facility can review and approve or deny the content, before the digital mail is delivered to an incarcerated individual’s Securus account, at no charge to the inmate.
  • After approval, a notification will appear on their tablet.
  • The digital mail includes a visual representation of the tangible letter – including the envelope, pictures, and an image of the letter.

Type of document where to send
Personal mail from family & friends
Digital Mail Processing Center
Address To:
Inmate's Full Name + ODOC Number
Securus DIgital Mail Center - OK Dept of Corrections
PO Box 223566
Dallas, TX  75222-3566
Documents requiring inmate signature
Legal Mail
Business correspondence
Trust fund monies (Inheritance, royalties, government/tribal, etc. See policy OP-120230 for complete list.)
ODOC Offender Banking
PO Box 11400
Oklahoma City, OK  73136-0400

Inmate's Full Name + ODOC Number
Securus Digital Mail Center - Okla. Dept. of Corrections
PO Box 223566
Dallas, TX 75222-3566

Please make sure the writing on the front of the envelope is legible. All general inmate mail must be addressed using the inmate’s full name and ODOC number to the digital mail processing center for scanning and electronic distribution. Failure to properly and legibly address the envelope as shown below may result in your mail being returned or delayed.

Avoid using:

  • Felt tip pens
  • Markers
  • Sharpies
  • Wax or oil-based mediums (e.g., crayons)

These items can bleed through the paper, making it difficult to read digitally. If these must be used, write on only one side of each sheet and avoid drawing on the back.

If you need to mail a newspaper article, please make a scanned copy, and provide that copy within the mailed correspondence.

If you are using notebook paper pulled from a spiral-bound notebook, please ensure that the torn fringe or "chads" are trimmed prior to mailing. Not trimming could cause the paper to be jammed or torn in the scanning process.


  • Written correspondence.
  • Greeting cards.
  • Drawings.
  • Photos.

Not Accepted

  • Legal mail.
  • Privileged mail (medical/financial).
  • Newspaper and magazine clippings (must be scanned and printed on 8.5" x 11" paper).
  • Post-it notes.
  • Items with tape or adhesives.
  • Items bound by staples or paperclips.
  • Greeting cards with die-cuts.
  • Sparkles or glitter.
  • Certified mail (it will be returned to sender).
  • Items smaller than 4" x 6" or larger than 8.5" x 14" (Items smaller than 4” x 6” will need to be scanned and printed on an 8.5” x “11 piece of paper).

Mail is typically available within three business days, including review time. While not expected, there may be a delay during the first few weeks after conversion.

Inmates without tablet or kiosk access will use a community tablet or receive black-and-white printed copies of their mail at no charge.

Great news! For a small fee, inmates can request a physical copy of their mail through their trust funds. Black and white copies on regular paper are 25¢ each and color photos on photo-quality paper are $1 each.

Yes. Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope to have the mail sent back to you after it is scanned. If you do not wish to have it returned, the mail will be destroyed after 90 days.

The mail will be returned to the sender.

No, they will be returned to sender. Packages should be sent to the facility.

Legal mail, publications (magazines, newspaper subscriptions, etc.), or special correspondence should be sent to the facility. All publications must come directly from the publisher or a verifiable vendor in accordance with the Correspondence, Publications, and Audio/Video Media Guidelines policy.

Please send those to ODOC Offender Banking at P.O. Box 11400, Oklahoma City, OK  73136-0400.

This mail should be sent to the facility.

All incoming and outgoing correspondence is subject to delivery, inspection, and rejection. Scanned physical mail is stored for 90 days before professional disposal.

Yes! A major benefit of our new digital mail program is that all mail is stored and accessible to your loved one for their entire incarceration.

No! And you can send as much mail as you would like.


For further assistance, contact Securus Customer Service at 800-844-6591, available 24/7.

Last Modified on Jan 29, 2025
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