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Corrections addresses concerns about office move

Monday, January 08, 2024

The Oklahoma Department of Corrections signed a lease agreement with the Oklahoma Health Care Authority to help reduce ODOC’s overall administrative footprint. With this move, ODOC will relocate three Probation and Parole offices and a technology unit to the administrative complex located at 3400 N. Martin Luther King Ave. in Oklahoma City. This move will occur after that building is renovated.

Most of ODOC’s administrative staff have relocated to the Oklahoma Health Care Authority building located at 4345 N. Lincoln Blvd. in Oklahoma City. The Office of Inspector General, Fleet, Quartermaster, and Correctional Industries still have offices at the Martin Luther King Ave. location.

ODOC worked through the Office of Management and Enterprise Services Real Estate and Leasing Services as instructed in 61 O.S. § 327 (OSCN 2024), State Property to secure the new location. ODOC occupies a total of 34,498 square feet for an annual cost of $498,151.08 or $14.44 per square foot. The office space was largely furnished, helping reduce the moving cost. Not including technology upgrades, the cost to move into the OHCA location was $282,142.74.

State statutes quoted by Representative Justin Humphrey alluding to the need for legislative approval to move office locations actually reference correctional work release centers and camps, correctional facilities, and the Board of Corrections duties. ODOC is not required to receive legislative approval to enter into a lease with OHCA or move into its office building.

Last Modified on Jan 08, 2024
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