The Commission recognizes the importance of having initiatives that are essential to the effectiveness of offering opportunities to women in Oklahoma. The four identified below are designed to educate, promote, and inspire women to act.
As an organization committed to improving the lives of women and girls in Oklahoma, The Commission shall hold the Oklahoma Women’s Summit or other such conference or event every other year (even numbered) to support the purpose and mission of the Commission. Each Summit will give attendees the opportunity to engage with highly skilled subject-matter experts.

Oklahoma Women Incarcerated
This initiative seeks the assistance of all Oklahomans to reduce the rate of non-violent, low-risk women offenders while enhancing public safety and expanding cost efficiencies by using evidence-based practices and policies.
Human Trafficking
To dispel misconceptions about human trafficking; the OCSW work in conjunction with certified partners, to explain the types of human trafficking in Oklahoma, and to assist with highlighting barriers to data collection. Our purpose is calling attention to the resources in our state to rehabilitate survivors of human trafficking; and underlining recommendations that would improve trauma-informed services for those who have experienced human trafficking and improve the lives of vulnerable populations in our state.
The Appointments Project
The Appointments Project (TAP) is a non-partisan statewide initiative designed to assist Oklahoma women who are interested in reaching political parity through government appointments. Through TAP, OCSW will identify, recommend, and encourage women to apply for appointments to statewide agencies boards, and commissions for the State of Oklahoma.