9-1-1 Person of the Quarter Nominations
Emergency Telecommunicator of the Quarter
Nominate a call Taker, Dispatcher, Supervisor, Coordinator, Assistant, Manager, or Director. No need for them to be an APCO Member. Work a number of hours or have advanced training. They should bring out the best in those around them, be innovative, lead others, and contibute to the sustainabi9lity of 9-1-1.
Technology Person of the Quarter
Nominate the Ninja who does their best to keep the wheels greased, the structor sound, and codes enforced. The GIS coordiator, mapping and addressing team, 9-1-1 coordinator, ATT tech, or network tech. They don't have to be a NENA member, work a set number of hours, or have advanced training. They just need to show ingenuity and a passion for helping to make 9-1-1 better.
Last Modified on
Nov 12, 2024