First Option
- Video
- Descriptive Transcript
Descriptive Transcript: First Option
Note: Eight different video images move on the screen at the same time.
Announcer: "Every child deserves a GREAT education."
Video: Students using microscopes, teachers and students signing, writing in blanks on a form, young teens smiling, boy with thick glasses.
Announcer: "The School for the Deaf in Sulphur and School for the Blind in Muskogee offer challenging academic programs"
Video: Fingers reading braille, text overlays for printed text, students playing musical instruments.
Announcer: "-- AND customized training."
Video: Boy and girl walking, large group playing basketball, signing in class.
Announcer: "Students can attend class on campus. Or we bring assistance to your local school."
Video: Students eating lunch, shooting pool, seated and bouncing on large balls in a gym, walking in the halls, studying, playing video games.
Announcer: "Our students have FUN and they GET READY for college work and a bright future."
Video: Students working at a restaurant, sewing on a sewing machine, chopping celery, making a bed, getting an eye exam and walking with an adult.
Announcer: "Don't let hearing or vision loss limit your child."
Video: Teacher with students in a circle, using a braille writer, signing in class, close-ups of faces.
Announcer: "Call 800-845-8476."
Video: DRS logo with text "Opening Door to Opportunity" and Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services and 800-845-8476.