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Lawton Veterans Home

The Lawton/Fort Sill Veterans Home is located at 501 S.E. Flower Mound Rd., in beautiful Lawton, Okla. This 200 bed long term care facility currently accepts skilled, intermediate and Alzheimer’s/dementia residents.
The facility has several features which are the reason it is the “the crown jewel of Oklahoma.” We have a fishing pond with a gazebo that allows our handicapped residents to fish right from the dock. We have a walking track around our facility and pond that is well lit at night. During nice weather, we give our residents a ride around the pond in our golf carts. Our chapel is available to our residents and their families as well as our community. The Colonel Hardy Stone Auditorium serves as our storm shelter and can easily hold several hundred people.
Our community is very active with our veterans and many activities are sponsored by various groups on a daily basis. Please come see our facility anytime during our business hours.
If you are interested in admission, please contact our Patient Services Coordinators, Kelly Ringwald and Joya Fancher-Bhagan, 501 S.E. Flower Mound Road, Lawton, OK 73501 or by phone at 580-351-6511 or by email.

Shelley Collins Administrator Lawton/Ft Sill Veterans Home
501 S.E. Flower Mound Road
Lawton , OK 73501
Phone: 580-351-6511
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