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Library: Policy

340:75-1-152.7. Oklahoma Children's Services (OCS) early termination of services

Revised 7-19-21

Early termination of OCS services.  The OCS contractor may recommend early termination of OCS after consulting the contract supervisor when:

(1) a family's goals are met, the child is safe, and protective capacities of the person responsible for the child's health, safety, or welfare are sufficient for continued safety;

(2) further progress is unlikely; or

(3) services are not effective in improving protective capacities to ensure the child's safety. • 1 & 2


Revised 7-19-21

1.  Lack of family cooperation or progress.

(a) The Oklahoma Children's Services (OCS) contract staff's observations regarding child safety and service termination:

(1) are documented in the external KIDS record, and reported to the child welfare (CW) specialist in open CW cases receiving OCS, or to the OCS contract liaison in closed CW cases receiving Comprehensive Home-Based Services or Parent Aide Services; and

(2) include if:

(A) the family is not cooperating with or participating in services;

(B) the person responsible for the child's health, safety, or welfare (PRFC) has not addressed or corrected conditions or behaviors that led to Child Welfare Services involvement; or

(C) there is new abuse or neglect resulting in a recommendation to place the child in protective or emergency custody or that a deprived petition be filed for court intervention.

(b) Repeated unavailability, significant avoidance, or failure to follow through with the treatment goals indicates a lack of cooperation by the family.

(1) When the OCS contractor is unable to assess child safety due to the PRFC's lack of cooperation, the CW specialist:

(A) in an open CW case:

(i) determines child safety, when possible; and

(ii) advises the court when a deprived court case exists; or

(B) determines if a child is at imminent risk and seeks emergency custody or a deprived petition, when necessary.

(2) The CW specialist consults with the CW supervisor regarding open CW case disposition when the family does not cooperate.  When a family meeting is arranged, OCS contractor staff is included.

(3) When the CW case is closed, the OCS contract liaison makes the decision regarding early termination of services and if further CW action is required.  Consideration is given to effective program use, as well as the child's safety needs.

2.  OCS termination.  Early termination decisions are made jointly by CW and OCS contract staff.

(1) OCS termination is approved when:

(A) after consultation with the CW supervisor, the CW specialist determines that OCS is unsuccessful;

(B) a staffing occurs between the CW specialist, CW supervisor, and the OCS contract staff;

(C) the OCS contractor submits the final report on external KIDS documenting OCS termination; and

(D) the court grants permission to close OCS when court-ordered.

(2) When the CW case is closed, the OCS contractor consults with the OCS contract liaison regarding early termination of services.  When the child's safety is in question, the OCS contract liaison may advise the OCS contractor to call Oklahoma Human Services Abuse and Neglect Hotline for screening and disposition regarding the need for further CW services or action.

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