Library: Policy
340:10-2-6. Job readiness
Revised 11-1-23
Job readiness activities help prepare participants for work by ensuring that participants are familiar with general workplace expectations and exhibit work behavior and attitudes necessary to compete successfully in the labor market. The maximum amount of time spent in job readiness activities cannot exceed 240 hours at 20 hours per week or 360 hours at 30 hours per week for the preceding 12-month period for any person. • 1
(1) Orientation. Participants are referred to orientation as the need is identified on Form 08TW002E, TANF Work/Personal Responsibility Agreement. • 2 Orientation consists of individual or group meetings designed to present information about:
(A) building self-esteem;
(B) activities and services available through the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program;
(C) Oklahoma Human Service (OKDHS) policies; and
(D) the employment process, including job applications, interviewing, goal-setting, and managing home and work.
(2) Counseling or Substance abuse or mental health treatment. The worker assists TANF applicants and participants by referring them for mental health or substance abuse treatment for alcohol or prescription drug abuse when these issues prevent them from obtaining or retaining a job. The worker meets with the participant and appropriate local partners to determine available resources to overcome those barriers. Treatment is a mandatory part of the participant's TANF Work plan when a provider recommends treatment and screening and assessment indicate a positive test for an illegal controlled substance, per Oklahoma Administrative Code 340:10-4-1. • 3
Revised 12-5-12
1. No more than four consecutive weeks count as federal participation.
2. Orientation is not an appropriate activity when the participant completed an orientation within the last 12 months.
3. Specific plans include any combination of treatment and work activities that assist the participant achieve self-support. The employability plan is developed with the participant and local partners' input. Form 08TW002E, TANF Work/Personal Responsibility Agreement, Section 7, reflects the resource or treatment facility involved, specific hours of each activity, the start and end dates, and the initials of the participant as changes are made to the employability plan. It may be necessary to frequently meet with the participant and local partners to monitor the participant's progress and determine the need for changes to the employability plan.