Library: Policy
340:1-11-45. Request for accommodation by a job applicant
Revised 9-15-16
(a) A job applicant may request a reasonable accommodation for assistance in applying or interviewing for a position by submitting Form 14CR003E, Request for Reasonable Accommodation, either to Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) Human Resources Management (HRM), to the office that posted the opening, or by making a verbal request to either office.When requested, the applicant is responsible for providing medical documentation to confirm the need for the accommodation.
(b) HRM forwards the request and the medical documentation to the hiring division, program, or facility staff who copies the documents and forwards the original form and medical documentation to the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) for medical documentation approval and to open a case.
(c) The hiring division, program, or facility is responsible for determining if any and what accommodation is provided after OCR approves the medical statement and opens a case.
(d) The job applicant is notified in writing, of the decision and a copy of the notice is sent to OCR.