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Draft - EMS Division Forms

EMS - Ground Agency Application
EMS - Air Ambulance Service Application
EMS - Stretcher Aid Van Service Application
EMS - Specialty Care Service Application
Pre-hospital EMRA 
Pre-hospital EMRA's will operate as part of an Emergency Medical System, responding to requests for service within a response area,supporting and being supported by a licensed ambulance service.
EMRA Stand-by Application 
Stand-by EMRA's will operate or contract for on-site medical care at locations that are open to the public or that will respond to the public.These types of EMRA's are certified to standby at a location or site and provide medical care to the public.
Agency Amendment Forms
EMS Agency Amendment form - for Ground, Air, Stretcher Aid and Specialty Care agencies
EMRA Amendment form - for Prehospital and Standby EMRA's.

Oklahoma EMS Training Program Application
Oklahoma EMS Training Program Renewal

Contact Information

Phone: (405) 426-8480